Aabsabaau (/aˈabsaːbaau̯/)


Aabsabaau is a sprawling wasteland, stretching as far as the eye can see, with remnants of Netyx's relentless pursuit of perfection scattered throughout. Netyx's discontent with the existing cities has led to a never-ending cycle of construction and demolition, as each new city is deemed inadequate and abandoned to decay. These ruins now form a desolate urban landscape, with lifeless cities, crumbling roads, heaps of slag, and empty fortress shells. The sight of these ruins is truly breathtaking, with each one surpassing the last in its grandeur. Despite their deterioration, they possess a strangely captivating beauty that draws you in. It's not just treasure hunters from other realms who venture into these ruins in search of valuable artifacts, but also escaped demons and lost souls who seek solace within their depths. Ironically, due to the relentless exploitation of the surrounding lands, these ruins have become some of the safest places in this realm. They have largely been forgotten as new projects take precedence. The landscape of Aabsabaau stands as a testament to Netyx's insatiable ambition and their ceaseless pursuit of perfection. However, some of these ruins also serve another purpose, as they house and preserve the laws, regulations, and decrees of the infernal planes of the Dark Sphere. Deep beneath these ruins lie archives that ensure the protection and preservation of these crucial documents in the face of any catastrophe.

Besides its ruins, Aabsabaau is renowned for its vast caves, caverns, and fiery pits. The winding tunnels, stretching for hundreds of miles, are colossal in size, with ceilings reaching heights of 1,000 feet or more. Carved into the steep walls of these caverns are even older and more dilapidated strongholds, palaces, and cities that have sunk beneath the surface. Intriguing rumors circulate about the existence of secret entrances and exits to Aabsabaau within these tunnels. Scholars have theorized the presence of hidden infernal passageways that connect this realm to the rest of the Dark Sphere. This hypothesis gains further support from the constant stream of demons entering and exiting the realm for their training and education.

Any water that once flowed through Aabsabaau has now transformed into a thick sludge, except for the secluded Styx. The Styx enters the realm through a vast canyon that stretches all the way to Gaebleau. As the river winds its way through the canyon, it eventually disappears into a vast and intricate underground cave system. Here, it flows undisturbed, its waters untouched by any activity for a significant period of time. Eventually, the river resurfaces, revealing the polluted sky of Aabsabaau to those who traverse its waters. The Styx is not only a river but also serves as the sole known gateway to enter or exit Aabsabaau.


The result of Netyx's foolish actions is something that fills a druid with dread - a world that has been defiled and is now filled with suffering, where the presence of nature has been completely stripped away. Once upon a time, Aabsabaau was a breathtaking paradise, boasting a wide array of ecosystems and flourishing with lush vegetation. However, it is heartbreaking to see that the forests that have managed to survive are either slowly deteriorating or completely lifeless, devoid of any signs of wildlife or the picturesque beauty they once possessed. The devastating impact of deforestation is painfully evident, with strip mines, surface mines, and processing facilities scattered throughout the land, continuously releasing smog and toxic substances into the air. These scars upon the land resemble deep, open wounds. The few remaining stunted trees are in a perpetual state of decay, either succumbing to rot or tragically igniting into flames upon even the slightest contact with the slag.


The sky above is filled with thick, ominous black clouds that hang overhead. These clouds are illuminated by an eerie, blood-red glow, casting an eerie and unsettling atmosphere. As a plane, the environment is characterized by an intense and scorching heat, making it almost unbearable for any living beings that dare to venture into it. The air is permeated with foul stench from the gases, smoke, and the occasional earth tremors that shake the ground. The sheer intensity of the heat creates a disorienting effect, making it challenging for beings to navigate through this hostile environment and accurately perceive their surroundings.

Fauna & Flora

The only known form of persistent life in Aabsabaau is believed to be the insect swarms that function as Netyx's eyes and ears. In addition to this, there are petitioners and lesser devils who, lacking tools, resort to digging deeper underground in search of stone and minerals. This further exacerbates the environmental destruction in the plane. Apart from Netyx and their court of various types of devils, there are other inhabitants in Aabsabaau as well. The devils of Netyx engage in intricate politicking that involves all the beings who call this plane their home.

Alternative Name(s)
Place of Lies
Dimensional plane


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