
Divine Domains

Aias, as a deity, plays a significant role in several domains, which include but are not restricted to agriculture, community engagement, irrigation systems, family dynamics, and the changing seasons, particularly autumn. These domains provide a clear reflection of how closely this deity is intertwined with the natural world and its continuous, cyclical patterns. The importance of agriculture signifies Aias' connection with the land and its fertility, while the emphasis on community and family underlines the deity's role in fostering unity, cooperation, and harmonious relationships within agrarian societies. The association with irrigation further highlights Aias' influence on water management and distribution, a crucial aspect of agricultural productivity. Finally, the link to the autumn season symbolizes the deity's role in the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, a concept deeply rooted in the yearly harvest and the preparation for the new planting season.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Aias, being a deity associated with agriculture, is often represented by symbols that reflect the bounty of the harvest. Among these symbols, sheaves of grain stand out as a particularly common representation. This symbol embodies the essence and importance of the harvest, which is a significant aspect of Aias' character. The holy symbol of Aias, specifically, is an intricately designed bundle of five grains enveloped within the curved hook of a sickle, representing both the act of reaping the harvest and the grains that are the fruits of this labor.

The autumn season, a time of abundant harvest, is also part of Aias' domains. Therefore, colors that are associated with this season are often employed in depictions of Aias. These colors may include deep oranges, warm yellows, and rich browns, all of which are reminiscent of falling leaves and ripe crops.

Furthermore, Aias is not only symbolized by elements of the harvest but also by animals. These are not wild, untamed animals, but rather creatures that have a close relationship with humans and domestic life. Among these, rabbits and sheep dogs are frequently used to symbolize Aias. These animals, often seen in rural, agricultural settings, serve as a reminder of Aias' connection to the land and to the cycle of growth and harvest that sustains life.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The known goals of Aias are to foster growth, ensure successful harvests, and maintain the balance of nature. Aias also aims to strengthen communities, promote understanding and cooperation among its members, and ensure the construction of social programs that aid in the welfare of the whole community.

As for Aias' secret goals, these are largely unknown and are subject to speculation. However, it is believed that Aias may be working to achieve a perfect balance between nature and civilization, striving to teach humanity to live in harmony with the environment without causing undue harm or destruction.

Divine Classification


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