
Divine Domains

Amohr is the deity who symbolizes and embodies moisture, moist air, dew, and the life-bringing rainfall. Their existence represents more than just weather phenomena - it's a symbol of life itself, as the rains they bring breathe life into the world, giving it vitality and energy.

The appearance of rainbows, a beautiful natural occurrence, is also attributed to Amohr, adding a sense of wonder and magic to their persona. Their influence doesn't stop at weather, as they are also the deity of flowers, a symbol of beauty, fertility, and the cycle of life.

Amohr is also the deity of fertility, overseeing the growth and prosperity of all living beings. They ensure the land is fertile, the animals are abundant, and the people are prosperous.

And lastly, Amohr is the promise of springtime, the season of fresh starts, new beginnings, and the end of winter. The arrival of Amohr signifies the end of the harsh, cold winter and the start of a warm, verdant spring. Their existence is a promise of new life, the blooming of plants, and the rejuvenation of everything that lives.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Amohr, embodying moisture and life-bringing rain, is often symbolized by images of raindrops, clouds, or a rain cloud. The deity's connection to dew is represented by a dew-covered leaf or grass. Rainbows, a phenomenon attributed to Amohr, serve as a prominent symbol, representing the deity's magical aspect.

In connection to their governance over fertility, symbols such as abundant crops, a pregnant animal, or a blooming flower are commonly used. The deity's influence over springtime is often symbolized by images of budding plants, blooming flowers, or a tree in full blossom.

In secret iconography, a cloud with a rainbow or a dew-covered leaf might be used as a subtle nod to Amohr. The use of these symbols can be a discreet way for followers to recognize each other or to mark places of worship or gathering.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

In terms of known goals, Amohr, as the deity of moisture, life-bringing rainfall, flowers, and fertility, aims to ensure the prosperity and vitality of all living beings. They endeavor to keep the land fertile, the animals abundant, and the people flourishing. As the promise of springtime, Amohr seeks to bring about new beginnings, fresh starts, and the rejuvenation of everything that lives.

Secret goals of Amohr could possibly include maintaining a delicate balance between the forces of nature to ensure the continual cycle of life, growth, decay, and rebirth. They might also covertly influence the weather patterns and natural phenomena to protect and preserve the natural world, perhaps working against entities or forces that threaten to disrupt this balance.

Divine Classification


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