
Divine Domains

Baanir, in its capacity as a deity, wields divine authority and influence over a wide and varied array of domains. These domains, each significant in its own right, include the impartial dispensation of justice, a steadfast commitment to law, duty, loyalty, and obedience. Each of these domains under Baanir's careful and meticulous oversight represents a different facet or aspect of life and existence. These aspects are not merely abstract concepts; they are, in fact, vital parts of the world that Baanir profoundly influences. Baanir's domains are not passive areas of influence, but active parts of life that Baanir shapes, molds, and directs, with each domain playing a critical role in maintaining the order of the universe.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Baanir, much like the deities mentioned before, has a symbolic representation that encapsulates their divine authority and influence. The symbol, a balanced scale resting on a gilded throne, is a potent emblem that signifies Baanir's commitment to justice, law, and order, all while symbolizing the authority over their domains. This symbol is often seen adorned in places of worship dedicated to Baanir and is a common sight among their devout followers. The scale is often balanced by a sword and tome, representing the balance between the balance of punishment and law.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Baanir, as a divine entity, has both known and secret goals that guide its actions and influence. The known goals include the upholding of justice, law, duty, loyalty, and obedience. These are the principles that Baanir openly promotes and expects its followers to adhere to.

The secret goals of Baanir, while less apparent, are no less significant. They involve maintaining a balance of power among the other deities and subtly influencing the course of history to ensure that justice and law always prevail. Baanir also seeks to cultivate a following of devoted adherents who will carry out its will in the mortal realm.

Divine Classification


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