
Champion of heroes and the child of Agild and Vorn

Divine Domains

Bauldurn is a mythical storm giant demi-god known for being the champion of heroes. He was born to Agild, the god of the storm giants, and Vorn, the god of the fire giants. Bauldurn inherited traits from both of his parents, including incredible strength, control over lightning and fire, and the ability to fly. He is often depicted as a towering figure, wielding a massive hammer that crackles with electricity.
Bauldurn is revered by many as a protector and defender of the innocent. He has been known to aid mortals in their struggles against evil forces, and his presence on the battlefield is said to inspire courage and hope in those fighting alongside him. Despite his immense power, Bauldurn is said to be a kind and compassionate deity, always willing to lend aid to those in need.
Legends about Bauldurn abound throughout the lands, with tales of his great deeds and battles being passed down through the generations. Many believe that he continues to watch over the mortal realm, ready to come to the aid of those who call upon him in times of need.
Divine Classification
Blue fire
Wild and grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark purple


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