Bloodsworn Legion

Tenets of Faith

The tenets of faith in the Bloodsworn Legion revolve around embracing conflict and seeking strength through battle. They believe in the following principles:

The followers of Vuglan believe that engaging in war and conflict is essential for their personal and spiritual growth. They see battle as a source of strength and a way to prove their devotion to their deity.

The Legion views war as a means of enlightenment and self-discovery. They believe that through battle, they can test their own power and dedication to Vuglan, and become stronger warriors in the process.

The Bloodsworn Legion sees peace as a sign of weakness and stagnation. They believe that true strength and growth can only be achieved through engaging in direct confrontations and overcoming powerful opponents.

The Legion places a strong emphasis on the bond between warriors. They consider those who have shed blood alongside them to be their most trusted allies. The sense of camaraderie and unity among the faithful is highly valued.

Followers of Vuglan are expected to continuously seek out and challenge opponents who surpass them in strength. They see it as a test of their own power and dedication to their god, and as a way to further enhance their own abilities.

Overall, the tenets of faith in the Bloodsworn Legion revolve around embracing conflict, seeking strength through battle, and demonstrating unwavering loyalty to their deity, Vuglan.


The ethics of the Bloodsworn Legion revolve around embracing conflict and seeking strength through battle. They perceive war and conflict as sources of strength and view peace as a sign of weakness. Engaging in direct confrontations is highly valued, as it is believed to make the followers stronger, especially when facing more powerful opponents.

The followers of Vuglan are expected to continuously seek out and defeat foes who surpass them in strength, viewing it as a test of their own power and dedication to their god. This focus on personal strength and the pursuit of victory in battle can lead to situations where the value of individual lives and the consequences of violence may be overshadowed.


Worship in the Bloodsworn Legion revolves around the deity Vuglan, the god of war and combat. The followers of Vuglan actively seek out battles and conflicts as a way to live out their faith. They perceive war and conflict as sources of strength and view peace as a sign of weakness. Engaging in direct confrontations is highly valued, as it is believed to make the followers stronger, especially when facing more powerful opponents.

The Legion holds regular ceremonies and rituals to honor Vuglan and reaffirm their commitment to the deity. These rituals often involve intense physical challenges, such as endurance tests and mock battles, to demonstrate devotion and prove worthiness. The Legion also maintains a strong warrior culture, with training sessions and drills being a regular part of their daily lives. Rigorous training is seen as essential to becoming formidable warriors in service of Vuglan.

A common initiation ritual for new members involves painting their faces with the blood of a formidable creature that they have successfully slain alone. This ritual symbolizes their unwavering dedication to Vuglan and their fearlessness in the face of danger. Overall, worship in the Bloodsworn Legion is centered around embracing conflict, seeking strength through battle, and demonstrating unwavering loyalty to their deity.


The Bloodsworn Legion is a loosely organized religious group that worships Vuglan, the deity of war and combat. While each community of believers within the Legion has its own hierarchies and structures, there is no centralized authority or rigid organization governing the entire religious group. Instead, the Legion operates on a more decentralized and independent basis, with individual communities and factions having their own leaders and practices.

Within each community, there may be leaders who hold positions of authority and influence, guiding the religious practices and rituals. These leaders are often experienced warriors who have proven their devotion and strength in battle. However, rivalries and conflicts between different communities are not uncommon, and this can result in a lack of cohesion and centralization within the overall organization of the Bloodsworn Legion.

Political Influence & Intrigue

In terms of people, the followers of Vuglan inspire both fear and reverence among others. Their reputation as fierce warriors and their willingness to engage in battle make them formidable forces to be reckoned with. Their loyalty to one another and their strong bond as warriors create a sense of camaraderie and unity among the faithful, drawing others to their cause. By actively seeking out battles and conflicts, they demonstrate their strength and conviction, which can inspire admiration and respect from those who witness their prowess.

Additionally, the faithful's reputation as warriors can lead to alliances and partnerships being formed with other political entities. Rulers and leaders may see the value in having the support and loyalty of a group known for their strength and prowess in battle. This can result in the faithful of the Bloodsworn Legion being sought after as allies or even being granted positions of power within political systems.

However, it is important to note that the influence of the faithful of the Bloodsworn Legion is not without controversy and opposition. Their preference for conflict and their disregard for peace can lead to tensions with those who prioritize diplomacy and non-violence. This can create divisions and conflicts within communities and political systems, as differing ideologies clash.

"In blood we are forged, in battle we find strength."

Religious, Cult


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