Brass Dragon

Basic Information

Biological Traits

A brass dragon has a scent of metal that has been heated under a long day of summer sun. Its wings are short and ray-like, running from the shoulder to the tail and supported by spines that are perpendicular to the body. The dragon's neck is thick but stubby, especially when compared to the rest of its body.

Ecology and Habitats

A brass dragon typically chooses a lair with abundant sunlight and dry heat. This puts them in conflict with blue dragons, and the two species frequently engage in skirmishes, with the brass dragon often having to flee. They usually establish their lairs in east-facing, high rocky caves where the sun can bake the rocks. These lairs will have multiple bolt-holes at the base beneath the sands for the dragon to enter quickly and quietly. If they choose to lair inside ruins, a brass dragon will select a location that is frequently visited by travelers, as they enjoy conversation.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A brass dragon will eat almost anything, but they require very little. They commonly get all the nourishment they need by licking the dew off desert plants each morning with their long tongues.


Among all dragon variations, brass dragons enjoy conversing the most. Indulging in long hours of conversation is a part of their draconic pride, and they will converse with any creature capable of using language. They take great offense to those who refuse their company and conversation. Rather than fighting, they prefer talking, and will often resort to using their sleep breath if talking fails. If truly threatened, young brass dragons will also flee and burrow somewhere to hide for a while. While burrowing, a brass dragon uses its massive head plate like a plow, pushing sand and dirt to the sides as it claws through. Brass dragons love intense and dry heat, and will often sunbathe.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Brass dragons have a large, fluted plate that sweeps back from their eye sockets, forehead, and cheeks, resembling a plow. On their chin, they have a pair of bladed horns that become sharper with age. A brass dragon's lips are supple and highly expressive, and its forked tongue is thin and long. As a brass dragon ages, its eyes fade into molten metal orbs of brass, but this does not affect its ability to see.
~3,200 yrs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
When hatched, a brass dragon has mottled brown scales. As it grows, the scales become increasingly polished and brassy, until they reach a warm burnish. The dragon's wings transition from green at the body to red at the tips and darken as the dragon ages.


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