Brisiphon Brokers


The temples dedicated to the deity Brisiphon are grand displays of wealth and excess. Their walls and altars are lavishly decorated with shimmering gold and adorned with a myriad of priceless gemstones. These temples often serve a dual purpose beyond their religious significance - they act as clandestine meeting places, where secretive meetings are held and corrupt agreements are forged under the veil of sanctity.

Tenets of Faith

1. The Rule of Greed: Followers must always be driven by a hunger for power, wealth, and dominance. This desire is not limited to personal gain but extends to the joy of denying these pleasures to others.

2. The Law of Manipulation: Adherents are expected to employ cunning strategies, manipulation, and deceit to further their goals and spread Brisiphon's influence. Betrayal, if it serves their purpose, is seen as a valid strategy.

3. The Commandment of Sacrifice: Rituals and special observances, particularly those involving the sacrifice of precious gems and blood, are fundamental to the faith. These offerings represent the wealth followers have amassed and the lives they've manipulated under Brisiphon's guidance.

4. The Law of Secrecy: Brisiphon's followers often operate secretively, particularly in their roles within influential guilds and organizations. Their worship places also serve as clandestine meeting places, shielding corrupt agreements from the public eye.


The extended rules and interpretations of the faith are derived from the four main tenets:

1. The Rule of Greed: Followers should always pursue wealth and power. They should also take pleasure in denying these to others. As such, acts that increase personal wealth or power, even at the expense of others, are considered pious. However, acts of charity or generosity, especially those that might aid a competitor or enemy, are considered sinful.

2. The Law of Manipulation: Followers are expected to use cunning, deceit, and manipulation to further their own ends and to spread the influence of Brisiphon. As such, acts of manipulation, especially those that lead to personal gain or the spread of Brisiphon's influence, are considered pious. Honesty, especially when it is disadvantageous, is considered sinful.

3. The Commandment of Sacrifice: Rituals, particularly those involving the sacrifice of precious gems and blood, are fundamental to the faith. Making these sacrifices, especially on the designated holy days, is considered a pious act. Failure to make the appropriate sacrifices, or making sacrifices of insufficient value, is considered sinful.

4. The Law of Secrecy: Brisiphon's followers are expected to operate in secrecy. Therefore, acts that preserve or enhance the secrecy of the faith, such as concealing the faith's activities from non-followers or punishing those who reveal the faith's secrets, are considered pious. Conversely, revealing the secrets of the faith, whether intentionally or accidentally, is considered a sin.


The faithful followers of Brisiphon regularly engage in several practices and rituals to express their devotion to the deity. These practices are mainly centered around the principles of greed, manipulation, and secrecy, and are often performed with the objective of gaining personal wealth and power.

1. Wealth Accumulation: As part of their everyday practices, followers are expected to continuously strive for the accumulation of wealth and power. This can involve various activities depending on the individual's profession and social standing. Whether they are a merchant, politician, or part of a guild, they are expected to prioritize their own wealth and power.

2. Manipulation and Deceit: Brisiphon's followers are encouraged to use cunning and deception to further their own ends. This could include negotiating business deals in their favor, manipulating others for their own benefit, or even betraying allies if it serves their purpose.

3. Sacrifices: Rituals involving the sacrifice of precious gems and blood are a key part of worship. These sacrifices are typically made on specific holy days tied to lunar eclipses. The precious gems symbolize the wealth they have amassed, while the blood sacrifice represents the lives they have manipulated in their quest for power.

4. Secrecy: Maintaining secrecy is a crucial part of their religious practice. This can involve conducting secretive meetings, forging corrupt agreements away from the public eye, and hiding their true actions and intentions from non-followers.

In addition to these practices, followers likely engage in regular prayer or meditation, focusing on their ambitions and seeking Brisiphon's guidance and favor. They may also gather in the lavishly decorated temples dedicated to Brisiphon for communal worship and rituals.


The faithful of this religion are guided by the priests of Brisiphon. These priests are easily identifiable by their unique attire which features a blend of black and gold. The appointment of priests is likely based on their dedication to Brisiphon, their understanding of the faith's principles, and their willingness to spread Brisiphon's influence. The priests operate under a meticulously organized hierarchy where each rank has its own distinctive title, starting from the "Broker of the First Deal", progressing to the "Broker of the Second Deal", and so on, until it reaches the pinnacle with the High Priests known as the "Brokers of the Grand Deal". This hierarchical structure distinguishes them from the rest of the followers.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The religion of Brisiphon, with its emphasis on greed, manipulation, and secrecy, significantly shapes the political fabric of the organizations it permeates. Firstly, it fosters an environment where personal ambition and the pursuit of power are commendable traits, which can lead to a highly competitive atmosphere. Secondly, the Law of Manipulation might encourage deceitful tactics to gain an upper hand, which can erode trust within the organization. Lastly, the Law of Secrecy can result in a lack of transparency, fostering clandestine operations and decisions that may not be in the best interest of the entire organization.

"In wealth, we trust."

Religious, Financial


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