Cave Goblin

Referred to as Wida Bujushteom (/wiˈda buɟuʃˈteom/) in the original Goblin.


Culture and cultural heritage

Cave Goblin communities, with their hundreds, or even thousands, of members, are ruled by a single "anyob". These anyobs demand tribute from their subjects and grow fat on the food and goods gathered by the community. They are revered almost religiously, commanding the utmost respect from their followers. Interestingly, the anyob need not necessarily be a purebred Cave Goblin. Many have a dash of hobgoblin, orc, or even giant in their lineage. Strength is highly valued among Cave Goblins, which is why it is not uncommon to see completely different subterranean species with deferential Cave Goblins in tow.
In the unfortunate event that the anyob dies, the structure they held up dies with them. Sometimes, the largest remaining goblin will literally expand to fill the role. However, it is just as common for the community to simply collapse and dissolve. Some goblins may find another existing community to join and serve a new anyob there. Given the vast size of the world below, many simply wander and become prey to the many dangerous and deadly monsters that inhabit this world.

Common Dress code

Cave Goblins, being a race that values resourcefulness, have made a habit of utilizing any and all materials that come their way. Even when not preparing for battle, they make do with just a few rags to cover themselves. However, this does not mean that they are not creative with their clothing. In fact, they have been known to repurpose and redesign any materials they can find, whether it be scraps of leather, bits of cloth, or even metal. They are also adept at weapon and armor crafting, often transforming mundane objects into deadly weapons or sturdy armor that can protect them from harm. This level of ingenuity has allowed them to survive in the harsh and unforgiving environment of the caves, where resources are scarce and danger is always lurking around the corner.

Foods & Cuisine

Cave Goblins are known for their incredible hunting skills. They are always in search of food and will do anything to get it. Due to the limited availability of food in their subterranean environment, Cave Goblins have learned to adapt to their surroundings. They have learned to survive mainly on subterranean fungus species and cave molds. However, they are always on the lookout for any meat they can catch. They have developed a keen sense of smell, which helps them detect any food source nearby. Once they locate a potential food item, they waste no time in capturing it. They are so enthusiastic about their hunt that they don't even bother to cook the meat before eating it. The Cave Goblins' survival instincts have taught them to be resourceful and resilient, making them one of the most fascinating creatures in the subterranean world.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Cave Goblins are a fascinating species that have adapted to their environment in unique ways. Rather than building structures from scratch, they focus on refining and expanding natural caverns, creating vast warrens that span miles underground. This approach has allowed them to thrive in environments that would be inhospitable to most other creatures.
When it comes to combat, fighting Cave Goblins is a daunting task. They don't fight as individuals but as a single, coordinated body. This makes it difficult to target specific individuals or to gain a tactical advantage. In fact, larger Cave Goblins are specifically bred for combat and have no other purpose than to defend their fellow goblins with their lives.
Despite their formidable nature, Cave Goblins are not invincible. They are willing to retreat if significant losses would make them less able to defend a more strategically important location. However, their retreats are relatively organized, with smaller goblins breaking away from combat while larger goblins cover their escape. If they are retreating to deal with another threat, the opposite is true; the larger goblins move to deal with the new problem, and the smaller goblins attempt to bog down any pursuers with the weight of numbers.
Encompassed species


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