
Basic Information


A changelings morphology is much like a humans, two arms and legs, one head.

Biological Traits

Changelings have adapted to be able to take on humanoid forms, and they use this to craft personas and live out their lives amidst other humanoids. This was driven by the arcane experimentation on humans, these rare peoples are adept at hiding in plain sight.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

When the experiments finally took hold and showed results, most of these first changelings were brought into service as spies and infiltrators. Over time, the communites started to grow, and there are some who can be found outside of the rigid structure of espionage.
~100 yrs.
Average Height
Average Weight
119 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
In their natural form a changeling is pale with colorless eyes and white hair, though this form is rarely shown to anyone.


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