Church of Xatris

Tenets of Faith

The church expects unwavering devotion and loyalty from its followers. They are called upon to dedicate themselves fully to the worship and advancement of Xatris. The church places great importance on hierarchy and obedience. Followers are expected to demonstrate reverence and obedience to their superiors, following their directives without question. Xatris demands sacrifice and is not hesitant to employ betrayal as a means to achieve its goals. Followers may be called upon to make personal sacrifices and betray their own kin or allies in service to Xatris.

Xatris teaches that power should be harnessed and exploited for personal gain. The church believes in using any means necessary, including manipulation and exploitation, to achieve objectives and further its influence. The church values conquest and the attainment of dominion over others. Followers are driven to seek power, influence, and control over lands, nations, and people.


The ethics of the Church of Xatris are characterized by a ruthless pursuit of power, manipulation, and exploitation. The church encourages its followers to prioritize personal gain and advancement above all else. Loyalty to Xatris and the church is paramount, often leading to betrayal of kin and allies. The church justifies these actions by viewing them as necessary means to achieve their objectives.

The Church of Xatris promotes a culture of control and manipulation, where followers are encouraged to manipulate others, incite conflict, and exploit weaknesses for their own advantage. Fear, hatred, and greed are used as tools to incite chaos and solidify the church's control over unstable lands. Subtle acts of torture, political infiltration, and the incitement of mayhem are employed to achieve their goals.

Furthermore, the church's teachings emphasize strength and power as the ultimate virtues. Followers are encouraged to seek dominance over others, striving for conquest and the attainment of dominion. The church's clergy members actively pursue military victories, fame, and fortune derived from battle, and the amassing of power and influence in every nation and city-state.

The Church of Xatris disregards rules and customs from different lands or faiths, considering them of lesser importance or relevance. They prioritize their own rules and doctrines, viewing them as essential guidelines for maintaining order and discipline within the church community.


Worship in the Church of Xatris is a solemn and intense affair, reflecting the dark and manipulative nature of the deity. The rituals and practices associated with worship are conducted with a strong emphasis on hierarchy, obedience, and the pursuit of power.

Rituals of Xatris are performed under the guidance of senior clergy members and are held at specific times determined by the church. There are no designated holy days in the worship of Xatris, as followers are expected to dedicate themselves fully to the deity at all times.

These rituals take place in spaces of darkness, such as darkened chambers, caves, or ruins, with minimal lighting. The setting adds to the mysterious and otherworldly atmosphere of the ceremonies.

During the rituals, an altar is prepared, typically consisting of a plain stone block draped in black fabric. The altar serves as the focal point of the ceremony, symbolizing the connection between the worshippers and Xatris. Additionally, an empty throne is placed facing the altar, representing the presence of Xatris and the power associated with the deity.

Chanting plays a significant role in the worship of Xatris. Rhythmic chanting is performed by both the clergy and the worshippers, creating an enchanting and hypnotic ambiance. The rolling beating of drums adds to the intensity and energy of the ceremonies, further invoking the presence of Xatris.

One unique aspect of the worship rituals is the sacred pit fighting. During these ceremonies, acolytes of Xatris engage in combat without weapons or armor. This physical confrontation serves as a test of strength, courage, and dedication to the deity. Acolytes are expected to fight until one of them is either defeated or surrenders, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to Xatris.

The worship of Xatris also involves the study and contemplation of the deity's teachings. Followers are encouraged to delve deep into the dark and manipulative aspects of Xatris' principles. They explore the art of discovering loopholes, exploiting laws, and gaining personal power through manipulation and control.


The faithful of the Church of Xatris are guided by the esteemed clergy members who hold positions of authority within the church hierarchy. These clergy members are appointed based on their dedication, knowledge, and contributions to the worship and advancement of Xatris. The appointment process involves a rigorous evaluation by senior clergy members, who assess the candidate's understanding of Xatris' teachings, their commitment to the church's goals, and their ability to lead and guide others.

To distinguish themselves from the rest of the flock, the clergy members of the Church of Xatris are identified by their titles and positions within the hierarchy. These titles reflect their specific responsibilities and contributions to the church. The higher-ranking clergy members, such as the High Imperator, High Inquisitor, Grand Executioner, Dark Imperator, Lord/Lady of the Black Sword, Lord/Lady of the Black Horn, Commandant, Templar, and Acolyte of the Black Horn, are recognized as leaders and authorities within the church. Their positions signify their elevated status and the trust placed in them to guide and lead the faithful.

Furthermore, the distinguished clergy members of the Church of Xatris are easily distinguishable by their attire. They dress in black armor or robes, always armed, and may don blood-red capes for special ceremonial events. The meticulous craftsmanship of their armor and robes, as well as the distinct facial tattoos, sets them apart and signifies their dedication and position within the church.

Strength and Power in Darkness

Religious, Organised Religion


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