Congregation of Crafts

Tenets of Faith

1. Honoring the Craft: Cysus' followers believe in valuing and honoring the craft itself. They strive for excellence in their work, dedicating themselves to mastering their chosen craft and creating exceptional creations.

2. Community and Collaboration: Cysus' followers value the community of craftsmen and craftswomen. They believe in sharing knowledge, techniques, and ideas to improve their craft collectively.

3. Respect for Materials: Followers of Cysus hold a deep respect for the materials they work with. They believe in responsibly sourcing materials and treating them with care and reverence, ensuring their creations are of the highest quality and durability.

4. Continuous Learning: Cysus' followers understand the importance of lifelong learning and skill development. They actively seek opportunities to expand their knowledge and refine their techniques, embracing new technologies and methods while preserving traditional craftsmanship.

5. Balancing Aesthetics and Functionality: Cysus' followers strive to achieve a harmonious balance between aesthetics and functionality in their creations. They believe that a well-crafted object should not only be visually appealing but also serve its intended purpose effectively.

6. Preservation of Craftsmanship: Followers of Cysus are committed to preserving and passing down traditional craftsmanship to future generations. They actively support apprenticeships, workshops, and educational programs to ensure the continuity and evolution of their craft.

7. Humility and Gratitude: Cysus' followers maintain a humble attitude towards their craft, recognizing that their skills and talents are gifts. They express gratitude to Cysus for the ability to create and for the joy and fulfillment they find in their work.


The Congregation of Crafts upholds a set of ethical principles that guide the behavior and practices of its followers:

1. Integrity and Honesty: Cysians prioritize honesty and integrity in their craft, ensuring that their work is genuine, authentic, and free from deceit or misrepresentation. They strive to maintain transparency and truthfulness in their interactions with clients, customers, and fellow craftsmen.

2. Respect for Cultural Heritage: The Congregation of Crafts respects and values cultural heritage. Cysians honor traditional craftsmanship and indigenous knowledge, recognizing the importance of preserving cultural diversity and heritage in their craft. They refrain from appropriating or exploiting cultural symbols, designs, or techniques without proper understanding, permission, or attribution.

3. Ethical Treatment of Workers: Cysians are committed to ensuring ethical treatment of all workers involved in the crafting process. They oppose exploitation, discrimination, and unsafe working conditions. Cysians strive to create fair and supportive working environments, where artisans are respected, empowered, and provided with opportunities for growth and development.

4. Social Responsibility: Cysians believe in using their craft for the betterment of society. They actively contribute to their communities, supporting local initiatives, and using their skills to address social and environmental challenges. Cysians may engage in pro bono work, mentorship programs, or collaborations that promote social welfare and sustainable development.

5. Appreciation for Handmade Craftsmanship: The Congregation of Crafts promotes the value and appreciation for handmade craftsmanship in a world dominated by mass-produced goods. Cysians advocate for the recognition of the time, skill, and dedication required to create unique, handcrafted objects. They encourage others to support local artisans and embrace the beauty and individuality of handmade items.


Worship in the Congregation of Crafts takes various forms, reflecting the deep reverence and appreciation for craftsmanship. Here are some aspects of worship:

1. Prayers and Offerings: Worshipers often offer prayers and expressions of gratitude to Cysus for the gift of craftsmanship and the ability to create. They may offer small tokens or symbolic offerings representing their craft, such as miniature tools or samples of their work.

2. Rituals and Ceremonies: Special rituals and ceremonies are held to celebrate important milestones in craftsmanship, such as the completion of a significant project or the passing down of skills from master to apprentice. These rituals often involve the crafting of symbolic objects or the recitation of sacred texts.

3. Visiting Sacred Spaces: Artisans may visit dedicated temples or sacred spaces dedicated to Cysus to seek inspiration, guidance, and blessings for their craft. These spaces often feature displays of exceptional craftsmanship, including intricate sculptures, ornate metalwork, and beautifully crafted tools.

4. Community Gatherings: Worshipers come together in community gatherings to share their experiences, insights, and challenges related to their craft. These gatherings provide opportunities for collaboration, learning, and support among fellow artisans.

5. Craftsmanship Demonstrations: Worshipers may organize and participate in craftsmanship demonstrations, where they showcase their skills and techniques to inspire others and foster appreciation for the craft. These demonstrations can range from live workshops to exhibitions and interactive displays.

6. Education and Mentorship: Worshipers of Cysus place great importance on education and mentorship. They actively engage in teaching and learning from one another, passing down knowledge, techniques, and traditions to future generations. Mentorship programs and apprenticeships are highly valued and encouraged.

7. Reflection and Contemplation: Worshipers take moments of reflection and contemplation to appreciate the beauty and significance of craftsmanship. They may spend time alone in their workshops, contemplating their craft.

It is important to note that the worship practices may vary among individuals and communities within the Congregation of Crafts. The emphasis is on cultivating a deep sense of spiritual connection through the act of creation and the pursuit of excellence in craftsmanship.


The priests of Cysus dress in brown vestments covered by a leather smock. They also wear sashes that contain various tools commonly needed for their craft. These tools symbolize their dedication and expertise in their chosen craft. Additionally, the priests wear enormous wide-brimmed hats, which not only provide protection from the elements but also serve as a distinctive symbol of their role as representatives of Cysus.

The brown vestments represent the earthiness and connection to the natural materials used in craftsmanship. The leather smock signifies the practicality and durability required in their work. The sashes, adorned with tools, demonstrate the priest's readiness to assist and share their knowledge with others. The wide-brimmed hats serve as a visual identifier of their status and provide a sense of gravitas.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The political and social influence of the Cysians is primarily centered around their craftsmanship and the impact it has on society.

1. Economic Influence: The Cysians, with their dedication to creating exceptional and high-quality craftsmanship, contribute significantly to the economy. Their creations, whether it be tools, furniture, or artwork, are sought after by individuals and businesses alike, leading to economic growth and prosperity in the regions where they reside.

2. Cultural Influence: The Cysians' commitment to preserving traditional craftsmanship and passing down knowledge to future generations has a profound impact on cultural heritage. Their work showcases the unique artistic expressions and techniques of their respective crafts, enriching the cultural landscape of the communities they belong to.

3. Community Development: Cysians actively contribute to the development of their communities through their craft. They participate in local initiatives, collaborate with other artisans and organizations, and use their skills to address social and environmental challenges. Their involvement fosters community cohesion and promotes the well-being of society as a whole.

4. Preservation of Traditional Skills: As proponents of traditional craftsmanship, the Cysians play a crucial role in preserving and promoting skills that might otherwise be lost to time. By passing down knowledge through apprenticeships and mentorship programs, they ensure the continuity and evolution of traditional crafts, helping to maintain cultural diversity and heritage.

5. Influence on Design and Innovation: The Cysians' pursuit of continuous learning and skill development drives innovation in their respective crafts. They embrace new technologies and methods while preserving traditional techniques, leading to advancements in design and the creation of more efficient and sustainable products.

6. Inspiration and Education: The Cysians serve as a source of inspiration and education for aspiring craftsmen and the wider community. Through craftsmanship demonstrations, workshops, and educational programs, they share their expertise, techniques, and passion for their craft, nurturing the next generation of artisans and fostering a deeper appreciation for handmade craftsmanship.

"In the hands of a craftsman, the ordinary becomes extraordinary."

Religious, Monastic Order


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