Cult of Cisulla


The temples of the Cult of Cisulla are more than just religious sites; they are architectural marvels that embody the very principles and aesthetics the cult holds dear. These temples, each unique and magnificent in its own right, are designed with a heavy emphasis on aesthetics and sensuality, aiming to create an atmosphere of indulgence and pleasure.

The architecture of each temple is an embodiment of elegance, with intricately carved columns, high arching ceilings, and lavish murals adorning their walls. These structures are not merely buildings but works of art, displaying an array of stunning architectural features that captivate the senses and stir feelings of awe.

Surrounding the temples are lush gardens, meticulously tended and filled with exotic flowers and plants from all corners of the world. These gardens provide a sensory feast for both the eyes and the nose, with vibrant colors and intoxicating scents enhancing the overall sensory experience. They are adorned with bowers and trellises, and often feature formal gardens with carefully pruned trees and flowers. Fountains and sculptures, often enchanted to give off soft lighting, serve as common focal points in these beautiful gardens.

Inside, the temples are a testament to luxury and indulgence. Rich, opulent furnishings fill the spaces, providing comfort and promoting relaxation. Soft, ambient lighting enhances the atmosphere, casting a warm, inviting glow throughout the interior. Walls and ceilings are adorned with sensual artwork and intricate designs, stimulating the senses and encouraging contemplation and introspection.

Private rooms are available in each temple, providing a space for personal worship or indulgence. These rooms are designed to cater to individual needs and preferences, offering a private sanctuary for those seeking solitude or personal reflection.

In contrast, communal spaces are designed to facilitate group rituals and celebrations. These areas are spacious and well-equipped, allowing for a variety of activities and interactions. They serve as the heart of the temple, where followers gather to share in the joy of their faith, engage in communal worship, and indulge in a variety of pleasures.

Tenets of Faith

1. Every sensation is a celebration: The faithful are guided by the principle of celebrating pleasure in every form, turning even routine and daily events into moments of joyous ecstasy.

2. Spread pleasure to all: The Cult of Cisulla encourages its followers to share the pleasures they experience, in line with their belief in the importance of hedonistic fulfillment.

3. Embrace beauty and romance: The members derive pleasure from personal beauty and tales of romance, thus emphasizing the importance of aesthetics and love in their faith.

4. Seek mastery beyond perfection: The followers are expected to constantly strive for a mastery that exceeds perfection, pushing the boundaries of hedonism to cover every possible aspect of their pursuits.


The extended rules and interpretations of the tenets of faith which guide the everyday lives and decisions of the faithful are:

1. Never deny oneself of any pleasure: The faithful are encouraged to indulge in all forms of pleasure, as it is considered a sin to deny oneself any form of enjoyment. This includes not only physical pleasures but also mental and emotional ones, such as the pleasure derived from art, music, and literature.

2. Always share your pleasure with others: It is considered a pious act to share one's pleasures with others. The faithful are encouraged to not only seek their own pleasure but also to bring joy and satisfaction to others.

3. Beauty and elegance should be pursued in all things: It is considered a sin to disregard the importance of aesthetics. The faithful are expected to seek beauty and elegance in all aspects of their lives, from their personal appearance and attire to their homes and surroundings.

4. Continually strive for greater mastery in all pursuits: The faithful are expected to always strive for improvement and mastery in all their pursuits. Complacency and stagnation are considered sins, while constant growth and improvement are seen as pious acts.

These rules serve as a guide for the faithful in their everyday lives, influencing their decisions and actions in their pursuit of pleasure and indulgence.


The regular practices of the Cult of Cisulla revolve around the constant pursuit and celebration of pleasure. Followers are encouraged to seek beauty and elegance in all aspects of their lives and to share their pleasure with others. They engage in various activities that cater to their senses, such as attending festivals, visiting festhalls, and participating in grand ceremonies.

Daily rituals might include personal grooming and adornment to emphasize personal beauty, indulging in sensory experiences such as enjoying art, music, or fine cuisine, and sharing these experiences with others.

Special ceremonies, including the induction of new members, are often marked by grand celebrations with an emphasis on sensory pleasure and indulgence. These rituals serve not only as a form of worship but also as a means to solidify their commitment to the cult's principles.

The faithful also observe a number of festivals throughout the year, each one a celebration of pleasure and revelry. These festivals provide an opportunity for followers to engage in communal worship and to indulge in a variety of pleasures.

In addition, followers are also encouraged to continually strive for greater mastery in all their pursuits, pushing the boundaries of hedonism to cover every possible aspect of their pursuits. This constant pursuit of growth and improvement is considered a form of worship and a pious act.


The clergy stand out from the rest of the cult's followers in several ways. One of the most noticeable distinctions is their elaborate attire. These individuals often wear ornate clothing and jewelry, which serve not just as a mark of their status but also as a reflection of the cult's emphasis on beauty and elegance. These items serve as a mark of their position and their commitment to the cult. They are not just decorative; they are also a mark of respect and recognition, a sign that these individuals have been chosen to guide and inspire the rest of the followers in their pursuit of pleasure.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The priesthood of the Cult of Cisulla are not simply religious leaders; they also commonly hold positions as high-profile courtesans. This dual role further emphasizes the cult's focus on pleasure and elegance. These individuals are renowned for their beauty, charm, and sophistication, often serving the elite and influential members of society. They are skilled conversationalists, artists, and entertainers, providing both intellectual and sensual stimulation. Their position places them at the center of social and cultural events, allowing them to spread the teachings of the cult while providing pleasure to those they interact with. This blend of religious and social roles further cements the cult's position as a unique and influential force in society.

"Every moment a festival, every sensation a celebration."

Religious, Cult


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