
Referred to as paidraero (/paidĖˆraero/) in Terran, which translates to "earth-spirit" in Common.

Dao are spirits of the earth and have dark hair and skin, and they appear to be sculpted of clay or stone. Unlike most genies, dao master change and can alter their appearance as easily as they sculpt rock and stone. When dao fly, their lower bodies transform into columns of swirling dirt, dust, and sand.


Shared customary codes and values

Dao genies from the Elemental Plane of Earth are fascinating genies known for their greedy tendencies and malicious behavior. These supernatural beings prioritize their own status above all else, often craving the envy of other dao. While they possess otherworldly powers, they will not hesitate to use them for their own selfish gains. Despite their negative reputation, dao genies are misunderstood creatures. Their behavior is a result of their upbringing in the harsh landscape of the Elemental Plane of Earth.

Common Dress code

Dao genies, magical beings with incredible power, are well-known for their exquisite taste in fashion and accessories. These mystical creatures are often seen adorning themselves with stunning jewelry made from the rarest and most precious gems, which are intricately set in the finest metals. In addition to their jewelry, dao genies are also known for their fashionable garments, which are made from the finest fabrics and are adorned with intricate embroidery and embellishments. Their weapons are also crafted with the utmost care and precision, using only the finest materials, including rock and precious gems. With their impeccable sense of style and attention to detail, dao genies are truly a sight to behold.

Art & Architecture

Dao cities are truly magnificent structures of earth and stone that showcase the dao's deep appreciation for beauty within the Elemental Plane of Earth. The cities' gemstone towers and luminous caverns are a sight to behold and offer a glimpse into the true splendor of the earth. In fact, many dwarven artisans have been known to weep and relinquish their tools upon visiting these cities.
The dao are known to dwell in an intricate network of twisting tunnels and glittering ore-veined caverns that they continually expand and reshape through their mastery of the rock around them. It's not just a place to live, it's a work of art that's constantly evolving. Their cities are a testament to their ingenuity and adaptability, as they've learned to thrive in a world that's not always welcoming.

Foods & Cuisine

When a dao eats, it grinds powdered gems and gold dust over its food to heighten the experience of eating, devouring its wealth as mortals consume a precious spice. This practice is said to enhance the flavor of their food, creating a luxurious and decadent dining experience that is unmatched by any mortal cuisine. The sight of a dao feasting in this manner is a sight to behold, as the glittering particles of precious metals and gems dance in the air around them, adding to the spectacle of their opulent lifestyle.

Common Myths and Legends

Scholars believe that dao sided with the Primordials during the dawn of creation and the Time of Titans. This was a time of great battles and fierce fighting between the gods and their enemies. The greatest champions of the dao sculpted themselves into monstrous shapes and led terrifying armies, which caused widespread chaos and destruction across the world.
When the gods finally prevailed, they punished the dao by entombing the mightiest ones deep within the earth. These ancient dao became lost to time, and many believed that they had disappeared forever. However, there are still some who hold out hope that they might be uncovered one day.
Occasionally, a dao serves a mortal spellcaster in the hope of finding one of these ancient dao. This can lead to great danger for the spellcaster, as the dao are known to be powerful and unpredictable. However, the lure of discovering one of these ancient beings is too great for some to resist, and they are willing to take the risk.
Encompassed species


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