Dhuhanan's Dedicants

Tenets of Faith

The tenets of faith followed by the Dhuhatians are deeply rooted in their reverence for magic and the pursuit of knowledge. These tenets encompass the principles and values that guide their spiritual and magical practices:

1. Reason and Diligence: Dhuhatians highly value reason and the diligent study of magic. They believe in the power of critical thinking, logical analysis, and the systematic exploration of magical theories and concepts.

2. Preservation and Dissemination: The Dhuhatians emphasize the preservation and widespread dissemination of magical knowledge. They strive to protect and safeguard ancient spellbooks and arcane texts, ensuring that no magical wisdom is lost to the world.

3. Responsible Use of Magic: The Dhuhatians believe in the responsible use of magic and advocate for its careful and ethical application. They emphasize the importance of considering the consequences of magical actions and using magic for the betterment of individuals and society.

4. Assistance and Healing: Dhuhatians bear the responsibility of assisting those who have been negatively affected by the misuse or mishandling of magic. They provide support, guidance, and healing to individuals in need, helping them recover from the dire consequences of magical missteps.

5. Education and Enlightenment: The Dhuhatians are dedicated to educating and enlightening others about the nature of magic. They travel as itinerant clerics, organizing magical fairs and sharing their knowledge with ordinary folk to instill a deep appreciation and understanding of the arcane arts.

6. Collaboration and Cooperation: Dhuhatians foster collaboration and cooperation among spellcasters of all backgrounds. They establish and maintain temples within cities, acting as intermediaries between magical guilds and academies, promoting communication, and enforcing a strict code of conduct for the responsible use of magic.

7. Calm and Composed Demeanor: The Dhuhatians emphasize the importance of maintaining a calm and composed demeanor when practicing magic. They believe that with great magical power comes a greater responsibility to wield it with care and discretion.

8. Unlocking Magic's Potential: Dhuhatians strive to unlock the true potential of magic. They push the boundaries of magical theory, develop new spells, and unravel the mysteries of the arcane, ensuring that its power is harnessed responsibly and its wisdom is shared with all who seek it.

These tenets serve as guiding principles for the Dhuhatians, shaping their beliefs and practices as they navigate the intricate world of magic and spirituality.


The ethics followed by the Dhuhatians revolve around their reverence for magic and the responsible use of its power. These ethics guide their spiritual and magical practices, ensuring that they wield magic with care, integrity, and consideration for the well-being of individuals and society.

1. Responsible Use: The Dhuhatians believe in the responsible use of magic and advocate for its careful and ethical application. They emphasize the importance of considering the consequences of magical actions and using magic for the betterment of individuals and the community as a whole.

2. Avoiding Harm: The Dhuhatians strive to avoid causing harm through their magical practices. They are mindful of the potential negative effects that magic can have and take precautions to minimize any unintended consequences.

3. Informed Consent: The Dhuhatians respect the autonomy and agency of individuals when it comes to magic. They seek informed consent before performing magical acts that directly affect others, ensuring that everyone involved understands and agrees to the potential outcomes.

4. Protection of Knowledge: The Dhuhatians are dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of magical knowledge. They believe in safeguarding ancient spellbooks and arcane texts, preventing their misuse or falling into the wrong hands. They also promote the sharing of magical knowledge to empower and educate others.

5. Assistance and Healing: The Dhuhatians bear the responsibility of assisting those who have been negatively affected by the misuse or mishandling of magic. They provide support, guidance, and healing to individuals in need, helping them recover from the dire consequences of magical missteps.

6. Collaboration and Cooperation: The Dhuhatians foster collaboration and cooperation among spellcasters of all backgrounds. They establish and maintain temples within cities, acting as intermediaries between magical guilds and academies, promoting communication, and enforcing a strict code of conduct for the responsible use of magic.

7. Integrity and Honesty: The Dhuhatians value integrity and honesty in their magical practices. They strive to be transparent and truthful in their dealings with others, ensuring that their actions align with their beliefs and principles.

8. Continuous Learning: The Dhuhatians believe in the pursuit of knowledge and the continuous learning of magic. They encourage their clergy and followers to engage in diligent study, research, and experimentation, pushing the boundaries of magical theory and expanding their understanding of the arcane.

By adhering to these ethical principles, the Dhuhatians aim to create a harmonious and responsible magical community, where the power of magic is harnessed for the betterment of all and the preservation of magical wisdom for future generations.


The faithful followers of Dhuhanan engage in a variety of practices, rituals, and traditions to express their reverence for magic and their commitment to the pursuit of knowledge. Here are some of the everyday or regular practices observed by the followers of Dhuhanan:

1. Study and Research: A core practice among the faithful is the diligent study and research of magic. They immerse themselves in books, scrolls, and ancient texts to expand their knowledge and explore the intricacies of the arcane. This ongoing pursuit of knowledge is considered a form of worship, as it demonstrates their dedication to understanding and mastering magic.

2. Spellcasting and Ritual Magic: The followers of Dhuhanan regularly engage in spellcasting as a way to harness and channel magical energy. They perform rituals and ceremonies to honor Dhuhanan, calling upon the deity's guidance and blessings in their magical endeavors. These rituals often involve the recitation of incantations, the use of sacred symbols, and the manipulation of magical objects.

3. Communal Gatherings: Dhuhatians come together in communal gatherings, such as magical fairs or temple ceremonies, to celebrate and share their knowledge of magic. These gatherings provide opportunities for the faithful to connect with like-minded individuals, exchange ideas, and showcase their magical prowess. It is also a time for the clergy to educate and enlighten others about the nature of magic.

4. Reading of Sacred Texts: The followers of Dhuhanan hold sacred texts in high regard and often engage in the reading and study of these ancient spellbooks. Through the reading of these texts, they seek to gain deeper insights into the mysteries of magic and strengthen their connection to Dhuhanan. This practice is often performed in temples or personal sacred spaces.

5. Astral Observations: A notable practice among the faithful is the observation of celestial bodies and their significance in magic. The followers of Dhuhanan engage in the Reading of the Stars, where a knowledgeable priest points out and names stars and constellations, divining hidden truths and unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos. This practice serves as a source of guidance and inspiration for the faithful.

6. Diviner's Prayer: The Diviner's Prayer holds a special place in the hearts of Dhuhatians, serving as a powerful invocation for guidance and protection. Followers recite this prayer when encountering unknown magic, perplexing omens, or the enigmatic influences of the Chaos Sphere. It provides solace and reassurance, reminding them that they are not alone in their magical journey.

7. Feast and Fellowship: The followers of Dhuhanan come together to partake in communal feasts, where they share meals and engage in liturgical readings. These feasts nourish not only their bodies but also their souls, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. The liturgical readings serve as a reminder of the core teachings and values of Dhuhanan, reinforcing their commitment to the ancient traditions of magic.

8. Mage-Killers for Extreme Cases: While the faithful of Dhuhanan prioritize peaceful resolutions, extreme cases of magic misuse or grave threats may require the intervention of mage-killers. These powerful beings skilled in neutralizing rogue spellcasters are employed as a last resort to protect the well-being of others. This practice reflects the faithful's commitment to maintaining a balance between responsible use of magic and safeguarding the community.

These practices, rituals, and traditions are observed by the faithful followers of Dhuhanan as a way to express their devotion, deepen their understanding of magic, and seek blessings and guidance from the deity. Each practice serves as a reminder of the core principles and values that guide their spiritual and magical journey.


To become a Dhuhatian priest, an initiate must undergo a sacred ritual known as the Testing. This profound experience lasts for an entire week and immerses the initiate in the enchanting power of magic. The details of this ritual are shrouded in secrecy and known only to a select few. Successful completion of the Testing signifies acceptance into the esteemed priesthood of Dhuhanan.

The clergy of Dhuhanan have a hierarchical structure that ensures order and authority within the organization. Skilled practitioners of specific schools of magic are bestowed with prestigious titles that reflect their expertise. They are distinguished by their exquisite silk garments adorned with subdued, earthy tones, flamboyant hats, and scarves adorned with mystical symbols. These accessories' colors indicate an individual's rank within Dhuhanan's esteemed Dedicants.

The clergy of Dhuhanan are distinguished by their exquisite silk garments adorned with subdued, earthy tones. They wear elaborate outfits featuring extravagant collars, flamboyant hats, and scarves adorned with mystical symbols. The colors of these accessories serve as indicators of an individual's rank within Dhuhanan's Dedicants.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Dhuhanan's Dedicants hold significant political and social influence due to their role as custodians and purveyors of magical knowledge. In political realms, the clergy of Dhuhanan act as intermediaries between spellcasters of various backgrounds, facilitating communication and cooperation. They establish and maintain temples within cities, aligning themselves with influential magical guilds and esteemed academies. This positions them as a sort of magical administration, enforcing a strict code of conduct for the responsible use of magic and ensuring the preservation of magical knowledge.

The Dhuhatians' political influence extends further as they contribute to the governance of magical institutions and advise rulers on matters concerning magic. Their expertise and deep understanding of the arcane arts make them indispensable advisors when it comes to making decisions that involve magic or spellcasting. Their conservative views on magic, however, may lead to debates with more progressive factions, highlighting the Dhuhatians' archaic reputation.

Socially, the Dhuhatians play a vital role in educating and enlightening the general population about the nature of magic. They travel as itinerant clerics, organizing magical fairs and sharing their knowledge with ordinary folk. By doing so, they foster a deep appreciation and understanding of the arcane arts among the masses. Their efforts aim to integrate magic into society, empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills to responsibly engage with the mystical forces.

The Dhuhatians' social influence also stems from their role as healers and counselors. They assist those who have been negatively affected by the misuse or mishandling of magic, offering support, guidance, and healing. Their open arms and dedication to helping others create a positive image of the religion within communities. The Dhuhatians' reputation as protectors against the dangers of magic further enhances their social standing.

However, the Dhuhatians' conservative views and singular vision can sometimes hinder their social influence. Their adherence to tradition and pedantic debates may lead them to overlook real-world challenges faced by spellcasters. This rigidity can result in a lack of awareness of practical applications and real-world issues, potentially limiting their influence among more progressive circles.

“We walk the path of Dhuhanan."

Religious, Organised Religion


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