
Known in Auran as laiayhope (/ˈlaiayhoˈpe/), or, "wind-spirit" when translated to Common

Djinn are tall, well-muscled humanoids with attractive features, boasting blue skin and dark eyes that resemble the colors of the wind and sky. They are known to bring about sudden storms when angered, while a calm breeze may follow once they have calmed down. When a djinn takes flight, they transform their lower body into a column of swirling air, allowing them to ride powerful whirlwinds that they create and direct on a whim. These whirlwinds can even carry passengers, making travel with a djinn a thrilling and exhilarating experience. Creatures that stand against a djinn are assailed by wind and thunder, while a defeated djinn can spin away on the wind to escape.


Shared customary codes and values

Djinn, spirits of the skies and storms, are proud and sensuous beings from the Elemental Plane of Air. They are known for their mischievous nature, but this is because they value freedom above all else. Many djinn see it as their duty to teach mortals to appreciate the freedoms they have. If a djinn is freed from imprisonment or servitude, they might reward their liberator with a powerful boon. Out of all the genies, djinn are the most amenable to servitude, although they never actually enjoy it. They treat those in their employ with kindness and protect them, but part with them reluctantly. A mortal who desires the brief service of a djinn can entreat it with fine gifts or flattery to bribe it into compliance. Powerful wizards are able to summon, bind into service, or imprison a djinn using magic, forgoing such niceties. Long-term service displeases a djinn, and imprisonment is inexcusable. Djinn resent the cruel wizards that have imprisoned their kind throughout the ages and will only seek deadly vengeance for betrayal, particularly by a mortal whom they trusted. They are powerful beings, and they know it.

Common Dress code

Djinn flaunt their musculature with airy and shimmering silks that are as comfortable as they are fashionable. They prefer to wear flowing garments that complement their mobility and are often adorned with intricate patterns and embellishments. In addition to their clothing, djinn also enjoy fine perfumes that are as alluring as their personalities. Their fashion sense is as enchanting as their magical abilities, making them truly captivating beings to behold.

Art & Architecture

Lofty castles drift across the plane on islands made of cloudstuff, covered in enormous pavilions, wondrous buildings, courtyards, fountains, and gardens that are filled with beautiful music. These castles are the homes of the powerful and enigmatic djinn, beings that wield great control over the elements of air and sky.

Foods & Cuisine

Djinn, known for their love of luxury and pleasure, revel in the taste of succulent fruits and the aroma of pungent wines. They are often found indulging in the finest delicacies and lounging in opulent settings, surrounded by lavish furnishings and ornate decor. Despite their affinity for comfort and ease, djinn are also known for their mischievous nature and love of adventure, often venturing out into the world to explore and experience new things. In fact, some legends even tell of djinn who have taken on human form to better experience the joys and challenges of mortal life.
Encompassed species


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