
Divine Domains

Dyvistis is the Chaos God associated with secrets and the unknown. They are widely renowned for their insatiable obsession with acquiring and meticulously safeguarding secrets of all kinds. It is said that Dyvistis transcends the boundaries of a specific plane and roams the vast multiverse tirelessly, driven by an unyielding thirst for ever-deeper secrets. Dyvistis is unmistakably characterized by a self-centered desire to keep all the knowledge to themselves, going to great lengths to ensure others remain ignorant. They hold those who share understanding and knowledge in contempt, considering them mere pawns in their grand game of secrecy.

Despite their arrogant and disdainful nature, it is important to note that Dyvistis can be unforgiving and ruthless in their relentless pursuit of knowledge. They unapologetically seek knowledge that can be concealed from mortal-kind or exploited for destructive purposes. Secrets and ignorance are mere tools in the hands of Dyvistis, as they take delight in the eventual collapse of social and cultural structures that arises from their cunning utilization. It is due to this intriguing aspect that Dyvistis is also revered as a deity of scholars and knowledge. However, in stark contrast to Ryvian, the god of knowledge and puzzles who encourages the sharing of knowledge, Dyvistis champions the hoarding of acquired wisdom, using it solely for personal gain.

This relentless pursuit of knowledge bestows upon Dyvistis an intense and unyielding passion, irrespective of the means or the cost involved. Consequently, the deity becomes inexorably linked to forbidden knowledge, exploration, experimentation, and an inherent disregard for the potential consequences that may arise from the pursuit of knowledge.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Dyvistis is often associated with various symbols, sigils, and iconography that represent their enigmatic nature and thirst for knowledge. These two are commonly used representations:

1. Eye Symbol: The eye is a prominent symbol associated with Dyvistis. It represents their insatiable desire to uncover secrets and hidden knowledge. The eye is often depicted as a single eye, sometimes glowing with blue magical energy, emphasizing Dyvistis' ability to see through deception and reveal hidden truths.

2. Key Symbol: The key represents the access to forbidden knowledge and hidden realms. It signifies Dyvistis' role as the Keeper of Secrets and their ability to unlock the mysteries of the universe. The key is often depicted with intricate designs and sometimes accompanied by other symbolic elements like locks or chains.

These symbols, sigils, and iconography are used by followers of Dyvistis to represent their devotion and allegiance to the Chaos God of secrets and the unknown. Most often, these are combined into an eye with the pupil of a key.

Tenets of Faith

The followers of Dyvistis come from all walks of life, showcasing a wide range of individuals who share a common desire to hoard knowledge. Wherever there is a longing to gather and possess knowledge, it is highly likely that the influence of Dyvistis can be felt. These devoted individuals prefer to operate in secrecy, constantly striving to accumulate and unravel secrets, all in the pursuit of personal gain. Their dedication often leads them to partake in forbidden practices and rituals, pushing the boundaries of their existing knowledge and yearning for even more. Although some followers of Dyvistis may find themselves immersed in academic environments, it is important to note that they seldom assume the role of educators. Instead, their true passion lies in the realm of research, tirelessly exploring new frontiers in their quest for enlightenment.

Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles

Dyvistis is known as the Enigmatic One, the Forbidden Scholar, the Keeper of Secrets, and Seeker of the Unknown.



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