
Known as udyropi (/ˈudyrˈopi/) in Ignan, which translates to "fire-spirit" in Common.

The efreet are majestic and powerful beings that reign supreme in the Elemental Plane of Fire. They masterfully manipulate flames, creating and controlling them with ease. Their skin ranges from magma-red to coal-black and is wreathed in smoke and embers as they take flight. These fire spirits exude an aura of imperiousness, with skin that resembles the heat of molten rock and hair that seems to be made of ash and ember.


Shared customary codes and values

Efreet are powerful rulers of the Plane of Fire, and they take a keen interest in the affairs of mortals. They are known for their mastery of illusion and flame, which they use to conjure flickering heat mirages that can be so convincing that mortals have, at times, fallen in love with them. However, those who are able to see through the efreet's tricks are often rewarded handsomely, as the efreet respect those who are able to outsmart them.
Fire is a powerful element that demands respect, lest it burn out of control, and the efreet are no different. They are fierce creatures who despise servitude and relentlessly pursue vengeance against those who have wronged them. Despite their reputation for being unpredictable and dangerous, the efreet regard themselves as fair and orderly, much like a controlled burn. As such, they have a strong sense of justice and are known to help those who seek their aid, as long as they are not being asked to serve or obey anyone else.

Common Dress code

Efreet dress in luxurious silk caftans and damask robes adorned with brass and gold torcs, chains, and rings, all of which glitter with precious jewels. Their ornate attire is a testament to their opulent lifestyle and their love for all things extravagant. The efreet take great pride in their appearance and fashion sense, always striving to showcase their power and status through their attire. From the finest fabrics to the rarest gems, efreet dress to impress and command respect from all who lay eyes upon them.

Art & Architecture

The City of Brass, an architectural masterpiece built by the efreet, serves as a glorious testament to their might and resourcefulness. Despite the hostile and barren conditions of the Elemental Plane of Fire, this city provides an oasis of beauty, safety, and vitality. The efreet themselves occupy dome-shaped fortresses constructed from black glass and basalt and situated amidst fiery lakes that churn endlessly. Additionally, they have established military outposts throughout the planes which are swarming with their minions. On the Material Plane, the efreet can be found dwelling in several fiery regions, such as volcanoes and scorching expanses of the world's deserts, which they have adapted to their needs over the years.

Common Myths and Legends

Throughout the planes, individuals continue to discover doors of brass that lead to the City of Brass. These portals can be found in a dormant volcano's caldera, deep within a desert dungeon, or even amid a fiery storm in the Astral Sea. Regardless of where they are found, all of these doors lead to the magnificent City of Brass. Those who are fortunate enough to discover one of these portals can experience the wonder and beauty of the efreet's architectural masterpiece, which stands as a testament to their might and resourcefulness. The city provides an oasis of beauty, safety, and vitality in the harsh and barren conditions of the Elemental Plane of Fire.
Encompassed species


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