
Basic Information


Empyrean are huge beings of celestial origin, and regardless of what gender they appear are altogether inhuman in beauty and strength. However, their form is most often still that of a human form but larger and without any sign of physical flaw.

Genetics and Reproduction

While an empyrean itself was not born of fornication or mating but the will of the deity that created them, they themselves have whatever organs are appropriate for the form in which they were made. Children of empyrean are not themselves celestial in nature, but their descendents will forever hold a connection to Celestia and the denizens of that plane.

Growth Rate & Stages

An empyrean is made fully formed, capable of thought and emotion upon arrival to the plane in which they were crafted.

Ecology and Habitats

The optimal environ for an empyrean is Celestia, but they can adapt to just about any climate should they need to.

Dietary Needs and Habits

An empyrean is immortal and can only die if slain, so starvation and dehydration do not kill them, though it can affect them. While on this mortal plane an empyrean suffers exhaustion much like anyone does, except to the point of death.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

An empyrean is blessed by the deity who created them to be able to see through illusion, detect the invisible, see through darkness both magical and otherwise, and is capable of even seeing through shapeshifting creatures to their true form.
Average Height
15-20 ft.


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