
Industry & Trade

Emvalor's economy is a diverse and robust one, bolstered by a variety of industries and trades. Many of its inhabitants make a living through traditional occupations such as fishing, farming, and artisanal crafts. The city is known for its exquisite pottery and woven textiles, and many skilled craftsmen and women find employment in these sectors.

Trade is also a significant part of Emvalor's economy. Its strategic location makes it an important hub for the exchange of goods. Imports primarily consist of raw materials such as iron, wood, and rare herbs used in apothecary, while exports include local produce, artisanal crafts, and a variety of ales from the city's renowned breweries.

Additionally, the city's rich cultural heritage and historical landmarks, such as the House of the Imperium, attract a steady stream of tourists. Many inhabitants work in the tourism industry, providing guided tours, accommodation, and local cuisine to visitors.

The presence of the hobgoblin community has also led to a thriving mercenary trade, with many former legion members offering their martial skills for hire. This has made Emvalor a popular destination for those in need of skilled bodyguards or soldiers.

Lastly, the city's bustling port sees a constant flow of merchant ships and fishing vessels, contributing to a thriving maritime industry.

Large city
Inhabitant Demonym


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