
Divine Domains

Exeton is strongly linked to nobility, commerce, and regal authority. It embodies the fundamental principles of ethical and accountable leadership, placing great emphasis on the significance of governing with wisdom and integrity. In addition, Exeton is closely associated with commerce and prosperity. Exeton actively promotes equitable and unrestricted trade, highlighting the transformative potential of wealth to enhance the well-being of communities. Exeton epitomizes the virtues of lawful trade, while vehemently opposing corruption and illicit gains.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

When depicted, Exeton is often portrayed as a distinguished figure of advanced age, distinguished by their silver hair and piercing, observant eyes. Their attire prominently features the color purple, symbolizing genuine nobility, and they are depicted holding a resplendent golden chalice and an unyielding adamantine scepter, both emblematic of their authority and power. The presence of this deity exudes an unmistakable regal air, radiating an aura of charisma and authority.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Above all, Exeton aspires to inspire and guide the nobility in embracing responsible leadership and the responsible accumulation of wealth, all for the betterment and advancement of society.

Divine Classification


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