Favored of Fyrkinna

Tenets of Faith

The Five Tenets of Faith in the Favored of Fyrkinna are:

1. Discipline: The Fyrkinites believe that discipline is the foundation of victory. They emphasize the importance of self-control, rigorous training, and adherence to strategic principles in both military and non-military endeavors.

2. Tactical Brilliance: The Fyrkinite faith upholds the value of tactical brilliance. They believe in the power of strategic thinking, careful planning, and innovative approaches to overcome challenges and achieve success.

3. Fair Play: Fair play is a core principle of the Favored of Fyrkinna. They emphasize the importance of integrity, sportsmanship, and respect for opponents in all competitions and conflicts. Fyrkinites strive to achieve victory through skill and strategy rather than unfair advantages or unethical tactics.

4. Continuous Improvement: The Fyrkinite community believes in constant growth and improvement. They encourage their followers to seek knowledge, learn from past experiences, and adapt their strategies and tactics accordingly. Continuous improvement is seen as a pathway to achieving greatness.

5. Balance: The Fyrkinite faith promotes the concept of balance in all aspects of life. They believe that a balanced approach, considering both physical and mental aspects, leads to optimal performance. Fyrkinites strive to maintain a harmonious equilibrium between discipline, strategy, and personal well-being.

These five tenets shape the beliefs and practices of the Favored of Fyrkinna, guiding their actions, relationships, and pursuit of victory.


1. Discipline:

- Sin: Lack of self-control, laziness, or neglecting one's duties and responsibilities.

- Pious Act: Demonstrating self-discipline, committing to rigorous training, and fulfilling obligations with dedication and perseverance.

2. Tactical Brilliance:

- Sin: Engaging in reckless actions, disregarding strategic thinking, or failing to adapt to changing circumstances.

- Pious Act: Cultivating strategic thinking skills, planning carefully, and embracing innovative approaches to overcome challenges.

3. Fair Play:

- Sin: Cheating, engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct, or disrespecting opponents.

- Pious Act: Demonstrating integrity, playing by the rules, showing respect for opponents, and striving for victory through skill and fair competition.

4. Continuous Improvement:

- Sin: Resisting criticism, overt pride, or refusing to learn from past failures.

- Pious Act: Seeking knowledge, learning from failures and successes, and constantly striving to improve one's skills, strategies, and tactics.

5. Balance:

- Sin: Neglecting one's physical or mental well-being, or adopting extreme and unbalanced approaches.

- Pious Act: Maintaining a harmonious equilibrium between discipline, strategy, and personal well-being. Taking care of one's physical and mental health to achieve optimal performance.

It is important to note that the Favored of Fyrkinna recognize that interpretations of these rules may vary, and the clergy play a crucial role in providing guidance and resolving any conflicts or ambiguities that may arise. The clergy's teachings, sermons, and personal counsel help followers navigate the complexities of everyday life and make decisions aligned with the principles of the faith.

While the Fyrkinite community strives to adhere to these principles, it recognizes that individuals may falter or make mistakes. In such cases, repentance, reflection, and seeking forgiveness are encouraged as a means to restore harmony and regain the favor of Fyrkinna.


The Fyrkinites worship through a combination of rituals, practices, and ceremonies that honor their deity, Fyrkinna. These religious customs play a vital role in the Fyrkinite community and help foster a sense of devotion and connection with their faith.

One of the central rituals in the Fyrkinite worship is the offering of prayers and invocations. Followers of Fyrkinna gather in temples and sacred spaces to offer their prayers and seek blessings from their deity. These prayers often emphasize the importance of discipline, tactical brilliance, fair play, continuous improvement, and balance. They are seen as a way to align oneself with the core tenets of the Fyrkinite faith and seek guidance for personal and collective endeavors.

In addition to prayers, Fyrkinites engage in various physical and mental exercises to connect with their deity and enhance their skills. These exercises may include meditation, strategic thinking exercises, physical training, and mental challenges. Through these practices, Fyrkinites seek to cultivate discipline, tactical brilliance, and a balanced approach to life.

Fyrkinite temples also serve as arenas for athletic competitions and military drills. Engaging in practice and training within these sacred spaces is considered a way to seek favor from Fyrkinna. The clergy meticulously maintains the temples, adorning the floors with massive gameboards and maps, creating an atmosphere that inspires strategic thinking and competition.

Throughout the year, the Fyrkinite community gathers for various ceremonies and festivals. These events provide opportunities for worship, celebration, and community bonding. One notable ceremony takes place during the winter season when military campaigns halt, and armies retreat to their quarters. The Fyrkinite clergy assembles to reflect on the previous year's campaigns, analyze strategies and battles, and integrate the knowledge gained into the teachings of the church. This process ensures that the Fyrkinite faith evolves and adapts based on the experiences and lessons learned from past campaigns.

Another significant event is an annual festival, eagerly anticipated by the Fyrkinite community. This day-long extravaganza is filled with joy, celebration, and indulgence. Participants engage in feasting, gaming, and tournaments of multiple games. These tournaments not only provide entertainment but also serve as a platform for participants to showcase their skills and abilities. The festival serves as a break from the rigor of military campaigns and religious practices, allowing the community to come together, strengthen bonds, and celebrate their shared devotion to Fyrkinna.


The clergy members are appointed based on their dedication, expertise, and contributions to the Fyrkinite community. Upon joining, priests of Fyrkinna, regardless of their social class, are integrated into a hierarchical system that necessitates proving oneself before advancing to the next level. The clergy of Fyrkinna are distinguished from the rest of the flock through their titles and positions within the church's hierarchy. These titles signify the level of expertise, experience, and contributions made by each individual. The hierarchical structure ensures that the clergy members have demonstrated their commitment to the faith and possess the necessary knowledge and skills to guide and lead the Fyrkinite community.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Favored of Fyrkinna, also known as the Cult of the Archknight, may be a relatively small organization, but their influence is significant in various aspects of society.

Military Affairs: The Fyrkinites play an indispensable role in military forces. Their strategic expertise, exceptional athleticism, and divine blessings make them invaluable commanders, quartermasters, and instructors in war colleges. They bring a unique perspective to the battlefield, emphasizing the importance of tactical brilliance, discipline, and fair play. Their influence on military strategy and training is widely acknowledged and respected.

Sports and Games: The Fyrkinites' passion for fair play and competitive spirit extends beyond the military. They have a distinct fondness for games of strategy and are often renowned athletes. Their involvement in various sports and games, both within and outside the Fyrkinite community, is highly influential. They bring their strategic thinking, discipline, and sportsmanship to the playing field, inspiring others to embody these qualities in their pursuits.

"Discipline Shapes Victory"

Religious, Holy Order


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