Fleines (/flei̯nes/)


The plane itself is primarily composed of vast stretches of uninhabited mountain ranges, stretching as far as the eye can see. These majestic mountains, although seemingly lifeless, are brought to life by the presence of breathtaking bridges made from radiant spider-silk. These bridges, spanning enormous bottomless chasms, serve as a mesmerizing testament to the existence of some form of life in this otherwise desolate terrain. Additionally, the plane is blessed with the presence of the remarkable river Uibaec, which originates from a hidden mountain cave and gracefully flows down, eventually cascading through the town of Fleines in a spectacular display of rapids and waterfalls.

Localized Phenomena

While Fleines serves as a central hub for ley lines and connects the plane to other realms within the Chaos Sphere through the river Uibaec, gaining access to this enchanting plane is no easy feat. Planar portals that link Fleines to other planes are scarce, if they exist at all. However, once within the realm of Fleines, spellcasters are unrestricted, allowing their spells to manifest with unparalleled efficiency. It is worth noting, however, that Taeora, the overseer of this plane, possesses complete awareness of every spell cast within its boundaries and has the ability to discern whether the desired effect is achieved.


The plane is perpetually cloaked in darkness, illuminated solely by distant pinpricks of light resembling twinkling stars. The nature of the night in Fleines is ever-changing, dictated by the whims and moods of Taeora. At times, the night is serene and tranquil, while other times it is plagued by tumultuous weather. Despite the otherwise warm and arid climate of the plane, the presence of the river Uibaec provides a refreshing coolness as it meanders its way through the Chaos Sphere.

Alternative Name(s)
Dimensional plane


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