Forest Goblin

Known as Kaknaw Bujushteom (/kakˈnaw buɟuʃˈteom/) in the original Goblin.


Culture and cultural heritage

Forest Goblins spend most of their time above ground, blending into the forest with their manufactured camouflage and the shadow from the canopy. They are skilled hunters and gatherers, foraging for food and resources in the forest, and using their natural stealth and cunning to avoid detection from both prey and predators alike.
Their frequent clashes with elves, who share a deep affinity with the forest, can be attributed to the two groups' differing lifestyles and values. While the Forest Goblins prioritize survival and sustenance, the elves hold the forest in high regard, viewing it as a sacred and mystical place. This fundamental difference in perspective often leads to misunderstandings and conflict between the two groups.
The resulting conflict often involves guerrilla warfare tactics and can last for generations, pitting Forest Goblins against their long-lived foes. Despite the ongoing animosity between the two groups, some Forest Goblins have sought to forge alliances with the elves, recognizing the benefits of cooperation and mutual support in the harsh and unforgiving wilderness.

Common Dress code

Forest Goblins are known for their unique attire. Their rough armor is made of a combination of hide and leather, which is both durable and flexible. To further enhance their stealth, they often incorporate leaves and branches into their armor, allowing them to blend in seamlessly with their surroundings. Despite the rough exterior, Forest Goblins are cunning and quick on their feet, able to navigate through dense foliage with ease. Their choice of armor not only serves as protection but also as a symbol of their connection to the forest and the creatures that inhabit it.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Forest Goblins have adapted to their environment in unique ways. They utilize the root systems of larger trees to create their communities, which are both easily defensible and hidden from prying eyes on the forest floor. To ensure their safety, they have lookouts and scouts that make use of the verticality available to them, stringing together precarious platforms just below the canopy level. These platforms are rigged to collapse should anything larger than a goblin attempt to use them, often into a staked pit, which is an ingenious defensive mechanism.
In addition to their defensive measures, they also alter their patch of forest significantly, filling their range with snares, spiked pits, and other crude but effective traps to capture their prey. They engage their enemies from hiding and at range, whenever possible, and only reveal themselves when leading foes into a trap, whether an ambush or something involving spikes.
Furthermore, Forest Goblins tend not to involve themselves in combat where they cannot meet their preferred conditions. They are smart enough to restrain themselves, even if they spot a target with some valuable-looking possessions. However, a few dead Forest Goblins can trigger a full-blown rout among the survivors, unless a serious dent has been made in the enemy's numbers.
Encompassed species


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