
First of the two "Lesser Children" in the pantheon of the All-Father. The two he did not include in his Ordning. It is said that he became the first of the cyclops, and created the ogres.

Divine Domains

As a god of conquest, Fycos embodies the desire for power and domination. This can manifest in many ways, from leading armies to conquering new lands to dominating opponents in personal combat. Vengeance, on the other hand, represents a desire for retribution against those who have wronged oneself or others. Fycos empowers those who seek revenge or take revenge himself, often with brutal and unforgiving methods. Together, these domains give Fycos a fearsome reputation as a god not to be trifled with, capable of crushing his enemies and delivering swift justice to those who cross him or his followers.

Holy Books & Codes

The Code of Dominion: A set of laws and guidelines for those who seek to rule with Fycos' power, outlining the responsibilities and limitations of those who bear responsibility of rulership.
The Tome of Vengeance: A collection of accounts of those who have sought revenge with Fycos' blessing, as well as spells and rituals for invoking the god's wrath against one's enemies and aid in the resolution.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A singular, central eye, often on the body of a creature, regardless if that creature would normally possess more than one eye is often the secret iconography used to denote Fycos. In open representation, Fycos is often represented by a crown of sword blades.

Tenets of Faith

Fycos is a god of conquest and vengeance. His followers believe that strength is achieved through conquest and domination. They seek to prove their worth through battle and the subjugation of others. They believe in the ruthless pursuit of power, even if it means sacrificing their own morals or values. They see the world as a battlefield where only the strongest survive, and they strive to be among the strongest.
Fycos' followers do not forget those who have wronged them. They seek revenge against those who have crossed them or their god, often with ruthless and unforgiving methods. They see vengeance as a way to prove their strength and send a message to their enemies. For them, it is a way to gain power and dominance over those who have underestimated them.
Complete loyalty to Fycos is expected from his followers. They are expected to devote themselves fully to his worship and to carry out his will without hesitation or reservation. They believe that Fycos demands complete loyalty and that it is the only way to gain his favor. They see his will as the ultimate expression of power and strength.
Fycos' followers respect those who are strong and dominant, regardless of whether they are friend or foe. They see these traits as evidence of Fycos' favor and seek to emulate them in their own lives. They believe that respect for strength and dominance is necessary to survive in a world where power is the ultimate currency.
These tenets are not universally accepted by all of Fycos' followers, and different sects or groups may interpret them differently. However, they are generally seen as core principles of the god's worship. Those who follow Fycos believe that his power and strength are unmatched and that his favor is worth any sacrifice. They see themselves as part of a select group, chosen by Fycos to achieve greatness and dominate their enemies.
Divine Classification
A singular eye of dark brown
None, bald
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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