
Basic Information


Gatorfolk are a fascinating species of reptilian humanoids with unique physical attributes. Their skin is incredibly tough and durable, thanks to a layer of osteoderms that covers their entire body. This armor-like hide not only serves as protection against predators, but also provides insulation from extreme temperatures and helps them retain moisture in arid environments.

Ecology and Habitats

The gatorfolk, a unique and fascinating culture, are known for their resourcefulness and adaptability. They live in simple thatched huts that they build themselves, using materials readily available in the swamps, marshes, shallow parts of rivers, and rainforests that they call home. In addition, they have constructed thick wooden bridges that span the murky waters of their territory, providing easy access to and from their settlements.
To protect themselves and their homes from intruders, the gatorfolk have devised a number of traps and snares, including pits and spear traps, that are scattered throughout their land. These traps not only serve as a deterrent to unwanted visitors, but also provide the gatorfolk with an occasional meal.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Gatorfolk are known for their unique hunting methods. They typically lie submerged underwater in river banks, waiting for their prey to walk by. This approach allows them to ambush their prey effectively. They focus their hunting efforts on animal trails and roads within their territory.
However, in times of food scarcity, they are forced to adopt a different hunting strategy. Gatorfolk will form hunting parties and travel in search of food. During this time, they may explore different territories and encounter new creatures they have never seen before.
When it comes to food, gatorfolk are not picky eaters. They have a reputation for eating almost anything that has meat, including fish, birds, and mammals. This adaptability makes them a formidable predator in their environment.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They often live in a tribal-like hierarchy, led by a chieftain chosen from the strongest of the tribe. This chieftain is responsible for making decisions that affect the tribe as a whole, including matters of war, trade, and resource allocation. The members of the tribe rely heavily on each other for support and survival, with each individual playing a specific role within the community. They have developed a unique set of customs and traditions that are passed down from generation to generation, and they value their cultural heritage greatly. Despite facing many challenges, including environmental hazards and territorial disputes with neighboring tribes, they have managed to maintain their way of life through resilience and adaptation.

Facial characteristics

One of the most notable features is their head, which is reminiscent of that of an alligator. The U-shaped snout of these creatures is filled with serrated teeth, used to tear apart their prey. In addition to this, they have small, beady yellow eyes that sit on each side of their head. These eyes are covered by a transparent liquid layer that is extremely helpful in allowing them to see even the slightest movements underwater.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The gatorfolk are known for their proficiency in Draconic language which they use to communicate with their own kind. However, they do not shy away from learning Common, the universal language, and often acquire enough knowledge to converse with other species.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

One of the most fascinating aspects of gatorfolk culture is their relationship with alligators and crocodiles. Rather than fearing these fearsome creatures, the gatorfolk treat them as pets and even keep them in the waters around their homes.
Gatorfolk, being reptilian creatures, have a strong sense of kinship with lizardfolk, often forging alliances with them. However, such alliances are not limited to just their own kind, as they have been known to work with a variety of other powerful creatures as well. In fact, gatorfolk have served as guards and mercenaries for many different species, thanks to their strength and loyalty. This also means that they have a strong reputation as formidable allies and foes alike, as their ferocity and determination are legendary.
Average Height
8 to 12 ft.


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