Girg Eg (/giːrj eːj/)

Translates to "Storm Giant" from the original Giant into Common. Girg Ega (/giːrj eːja/) is its plural form, "Storm Giants."

Among the Ordning giants, Girg Ega giants are the tallest, reaching a height of 26 feet and weighing around 15,000 pounds (6,800 kilograms). These giants are known for their unique physical features, which include pale, light green, or violet skin, dark green or blue hair, and green or silver eyes.
One of the most interesting things about Girg Ega giants is how well they are adapted to underwater conditions. Their vision is particularly impressive, as they are able to see just as well in the water as they can in the air. Additionally, their lungs are specifically adapted to surviving underwater, which is not something that can be said for many other creatures.
Despite their impressive physical capabilities, Girg Ega giants are not invincible. They typically live for around 600 years, which is a long time but still finite. During their long lives, they experience many of the same challenges and joys that other creatures do. For example, they may form relationships with other Girg Ega giants or members of other species, and they may also face hardships such as illness or injury.


Culture and cultural heritage

Girg Ega, the most powerful and majestic of giant-kind, are truly fascinating creatures that are deeply connected to nature. They are not just simple beings, but rather extensions of the environment around them. When a Girg Eg attunes itself to the world, it has the ability to glimpse the future in all things, perceiving moments yet to be. This is a truly remarkable ability that sets them apart from all other creatures.
Furthermore, it is important to note that every possibility encapsulated in every sign is exhaustively examined by Girg Ega. They are known to spend days, months, or even years examining the smallest details of a sign to determine its meaning. This process is not an easy one, and oftentimes debates over the meaning and validity of this or that omen are conducted across kingdoms and spanning generations.

Shared customary codes and values

The Girg Ega possess a strong emotional attachment to the restoration of their power over the world. It is a goal that they all long to witness within their lifetime. However, with no emperor to guide them spiritually or politically, the Girg Ega find themselves lost in an unpredictable world. They refuse to accept any authority above them in the absence of an emperor, making it nearly impossible for anyone to gain significant influence over them. Any such attempt is bound to fail and end in tragedy.
Despite their immense size and strength, the Girg Ega are not interested in the affairs of the world. They do not wish for good or bad events to occur, and they are content to live their lives without much regard for what is happening around them. The only time they show any interest is when a prophecy or an omen mentions a particular person, place, or thing. They believe that these are signs from their gods, and therefore, they pay close attention.
When the Girg Ega interact with non-giants, they follow a strict code of ethics that values the sanctity of life. Even though they are known for their calm demeanor, they have a fierce temper that can be triggered easily. When provoked, they can become furious, and their principles give way to rage. If any wrong is committed against them, the entire community can face swift retribution. For instance, if a Girg Ega is wronged by an individual, they may end up destroying an entire town and taking innocent lives in a fit of anger.
However, the Girg Ega are not without remorse. If they end up committing an unintentional act of violence, they take responsibility for their actions and try to make amends by offering payment to the affected party.

Common Etiquette rules

Common etiquette among the Girg Ega includes showing respect for others, avoiding unnecessary conflict, and following cultural traditions. It is considered impolite to interrupt others while they are speaking, and it is important to listen carefully to what others have to say. Additionally, it is customary to offer food and drink to guests as a sign of hospitality.

Common Dress code

Girg Ega, as a culture, place a strong emphasis on fashion and style. Their clothing is typically made from the finest materials available, and they take great pride in the quality and craftsmanship of their garments. In addition to their signature tunics and belt sandals, which are often adorned with intricate embroidery and embellishments, Girg Ega also have a preference for scale mail armor. They believe that the scales not only provide excellent protection, but also create a striking visual effect that is both intimidating and awe-inspiring. It is not uncommon for a Girg Eg warrior to spend many hours crafting and customizing their armor to ensure that it is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. This attention to detail and dedication to their craft is just one example of the rich cultural heritage that exists within the Girg Ega society.

Art & Architecture

Girg Ega are one of the most adaptable creatures in existence, able to thrive in a variety of environments. Whether it be the peaks of towering mountains, the frigid depths of a glacial cave, or even the abyssal expanses of the ocean, these creatures are capable of making their homes in almost any location. One particular type of environment that always piques the interest of Girg Ega is an elemental crossing, where the Prime Material and Elemental Planes intersect and create a unique atmosphere. This influence can be seen in the architecture of storm giants, whose homes exude an otherworldly quality thanks to the pervasive elemental energies. Additionally, Girg Ega have been observed to construct their own dwellings in these areas, incorporating the natural surroundings and imbuing their homes with the same elemental energy that permeates the area.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Each Girg Eg has a unique way of interpreting signals sent by the universe to determine their status in the Ordning. These signals can appear in many forms, such as the flight of birds, patterns in sand, shapes of clouds, and other natural phenomena. The more signals a Girg Eg receives, the higher their rank in the Ordning. However, the significance of each signal also plays a role in determining their status.
When Girg Ega meet, their individual omens and signs make it clear who ranks highest. Although arguments about rankings are rare, all giants in the group closely scrutinize every sign for evidence that someone might be the greatest yet. This is because the revelation of the greatest Girg Eg would herald the return of giants to the world stage.
Some Girg Ega seek immortality by merging with elemental forces and interpreting signs. These giants are reclusive and lair in remote and inhospitable sites, surrounded by brutal winds and weather. Their constant watch for important signs takes up most of their time. In the past, the signs that accompanied the greatest giant were clear and unmistakable during the reign of the giant dynasties. However, since their collapse, the few signs that have manifested have been muddied, conflicting, and contentious.
When Girg Ega are old enough to fend for themselves, they spend most of their lives in contemplative isolation. They use elemental crossings to travel to other planes, especially the Elemental Plane of Air and the Elemental Plane of Water. The frequent whirlpools, tornadoes, and lashing rainstorms that buffet the passages to these two planes help to safeguard the giants’ homes and ensure their privacy. Overall, Girg Ega lead a unique and reclusive lifestyle, while they constantly interpret the universe's messages to maintain their status in the Ordning.

Common Myths and Legends

Ever since the fall of the giants, no sole king or emperor has ruled over all giantkind. Legends have been passed down through generations, speaking of a prophesied leader who will bring together all the giant clans under one banner. According to these tales, the arrival of this leader will be presaged by signs and omens encompassing all the elements of the world. The sky will darken with hurricanes, the seas will rise with tsunamis, the earth will shake with earthquakes, and the mountains will spew fire and ash with volcanic activity. Many giantkind believe that this prophesied leader will restore peace and unity to their fractured society, while others view this as nothing more than a fanciful tale with no basis in reality. Nonetheless, the idea of a great giant king or queen ruling over all the clans continues to be a source of hope and inspiration for many giants.


Beauty Ideals

According to the beauty ideals of the Girg Ega, individuals should not only have clear and luminous skin, but also have a healthy glow that comes from maintaining a balanced diet and getting enough exercise. In addition to symmetrical facial features, the Girg Ega believe that a person's smile is also an important factor in their overall attractiveness. Long, flowing hair is indeed a desirable trait, but it is also important to keep hair properly nourished and well-maintained. Bright, expressive eyes are also valued, along with well-defined muscles, the Girg Ega appreciate a lean and toned physique that comes from regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Tall stature is also considered attractive, but it is not the only factor that matters, as the Girg Ega also value gracefulness and poise in a person's movements.

Gender Ideals

In the Girg Ega society, knowledge about the environment is highly valued, and both men and women are expected to be competent in identifying signs and omens, as well as being knowledgeable about flora and fauna. This knowledge is not only important for their survival but also for their spiritual beliefs. Additionally, independence is greatly valued, and thus both men and women are expected to be self-sufficient and capable of taking care of themselves.
It is worth noting that equality between genders is a fundamental value in Girg Ega society. Neither gender is considered superior to the other, and men and women are viewed as equally valuable members of the community. Both genders are expected to contribute to society in meaningful ways, and their abilities and contributions are highly regarded.
Another important aspect of Girg Ega culture is the preservation of their cultural heritage. It is expected that both men and women are knowledgeable about their myths and legends, as well as other cultural practices. This is not only important for maintaining their cultural identity, but also for passing on their traditions to future generations. Therefore, it is highly valued in Girg Ega society to be well-versed in cultural heritage and to actively participate in preserving it.

Courtship Ideals

In Girg Ega society, courtship is a complex and highly ritualized process that involves a significant amount of preparation and forethought. The process begins when a Girg Eg expresses interest in another, signaling their intentions through various signs and omens. If the other Girg Eg reciprocates this interest, the two will begin a courtship that may last for several years.
During courtship, the Girg Eg will spend a significant amount of time getting to know one another, sharing stories and experiences, and exploring the world around them. They may go on long walks through the countryside, visit ancient ruins and sacred sites, or simply spend time together in quiet contemplation. Through these experiences, the two will learn more about each other and develop a deeper understanding of their shared values and beliefs.
Once the courtship has progressed to a certain point, the Girg Eg will exchange gifts as a sign of their affection. These gifts may take many forms, from simple tokens of appreciation to elaborate and intricate works of art. The giving and receiving of gifts is an important part of Girg Eg courtship, as it symbolizes the commitment and dedication that the two share.

Relationship Ideals

In Girg Eg society, relationships are viewed as sacred and deeply meaningful. The bonds that exist between two Girg Ega are seen as a reflection of the natural world, and thus they are treated with the utmost respect and reverence. Relationships are built on a foundation of trust, honesty, and open communication, and they are expected to last for a lifetime.
One of the key values that underpins Girg Eg relationships is the importance of shared experiences. Girg Ega believe that the best way to build a strong and lasting relationship is to share experiences and create memories together. Whether it be exploring the world around them, indulging in their shared interests and passions, or simply spending time together in quiet contemplation, the two Girg Ega will always seek to deepen their bond through shared experiences.
Another important aspect of Girg Eg relationships is the concept of mutual respect. Girg Ega believe that all relationships are built on a foundation of respect, and that this respect must be earned through actions and deeds. Whether it be showing kindness and compassion towards one another, supporting each other through difficult times, or simply being there for one another when needed, the two Girg Ega will always seek to demonstrate their respect for each other through their words and actions.


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