

Culture and cultural heritage

The githyanki, a race of beings that inhabit the Astral Sea, have developed an opulent and extravagant lifestyle over their long history in this realm. They were once enslaved by mind flayers, but now they tirelessly pursue their former captors across countless worlds. What sets the githyanki apart is their innate psionic abilities, which all members of their species possess. Their society is highly structured and organized, with a well-defined martial hierarchy. Interestingly, both males and females receive training in both magic and combat, showcasing their commitment to holistic education. The githyanki society can be divided into three main classes: the military class, responsible for defense and warfare; the crafts and specialized tasks class, which includes artisans and experts in various fields; and the food production and labor class, which is crucial for sustaining their population. It's worth noting that each of these main classes has its own subdivisions, highlighting the intricate social fabric of githyanki society.
Among the githyanki, the knights hold a position of great influence and are known for wielding silver swords, a symbol of their power and authority. Those githyanki who excel in both combat and psionic skills are referred to as gish, representing the pinnacle of martial prowess within their community. On the other hand, the Mlar are skilled craftsmen who specialize in constructing weapons and astral ships, enabling the githyanki to travel across the Astral Sea. Meanwhile, the Hr'a'cknir are adept at manipulating Astral energy, utilizing it for purposes such as healing, divination, and transportation. Lastly, the G'lathk play a vital role in the githyanki society by inducing food growth in the Astral Sea, ensuring a sustainable food supply for their population.
In terms of their dwellings, the githyanki reside in magnificent fortresses and cities that are built on god-isles within the Astral Sea. Their grandest residences are lavishly adorned castles, reflecting their love for opulence and grandeur. Additionally, they have a major city called Tu'narath, which is located on the Astral Plane. From this central hub, the githyanki dispatch raiders to plunder other worlds, expanding their influence and acquiring valuable resources. Tu'narath itself is an architectural marvel, constructed upon the remains of "The One in the Void" and composed of various districts, each with its own unique characteristics and purposes.
It's important to note that the githyanki have a unique approach when it comes to punishment. Instead of resorting to lethal methods, they prefer nonlethal punishments for offenders within their society. Furthermore, when it comes to disposing of the loot acquired through their raids, the githyanki have designated areas specifically designed for this purpose, ensuring an organized and efficient process.

Shared customary codes and values

Githyanki are typically raised with a strong emphasis on aggression. However, there are a few extraordinary individuals who choose to break away from the strict militaristic society of the githyanki. These individuals tend to develop a distaste for rules and place a high value on individuality. This emphasis on individuality can make them ambitious and self-centered. Additionally, githyanki are known for their exceptionally long memories.
Even the most open-minded githyanki may come across as smug and overconfident, but they possess a remarkable ability to endure adversity without complaint. In fact, githyanki are both clever and resourceful, exhibiting an unwavering persistence in the face of danger. While it is rare, there have been instances where githyanki become disillusioned with their own people and strive to establish their own reputation through their actions.
As a society, githyanki generally take great pride in their heritage. They often disregard other cultures and show little interest in learning about them, including their languages. Instead, they rationalize that any cultural achievements from other peoples must have originated from githyanki knowledge. However, it is worth noting that although uncommon, there have been instances where a githyanki overcomes their people's prejudices and begins to regard others with more than just begrudging respect.

Average technological level

Githyanki fleets are comprised of a diverse array of flying ships that are powered by spelljamming helms. These fleets are composed of several types of ships, each serving a different purpose. For patrols, there are small astral skiffs that swiftly navigate the astral plane. To carry out military operations, heavily armed astral brigs are utilized. These brigs are equipped with powerful weaponry and are manned by skilled gish warriors who possess both combat and spellcasting abilities. Acting as mobile headquarters, the planar raiders are the largest ships in the fleet. These formidable vessels require a substantial crew of ten individuals and can accommodate over a hundred passengers. Furthermore, planar raiders are armed with three ballistae and a catapult, making them a force to be reckoned with.
In terms of capacity, an astral skiff has the ability to carry approximately a dozen passengers and can reach an impressive top speed of 15 mph. However, it should be noted that these skiffs have limited storage space and lack built-in weapons. On the other hand, an astral brig demands a crew of five individuals, has two levels below decks, and can transport up to sixty passengers. These brigs are armed with two ballistae and have a top speed of 12 mph. With its larger size and enhanced capabilities, the astral brig serves as a versatile and powerful asset to the fleet.

Common Dress code

When it comes to their clothing, githyanki have a strong inclination towards acquiring and displaying exceptionally detailed and ornate keepsakes obtained from their vanquished adversaries. It is quite usual to observe their armor and weapons embellished with gemstones, feathers, valuable metals, and an array of other visually captivating decorations. These dazzling additions serve as a testament to their victorious conquests and a symbol of their unwavering pride.

Art & Architecture

They engage in a wide range of hobbies, including but not limited to painting, playing musical instruments, and gardening. They also immerse themselves in various art forms such as photography, sculpture, and dance. In addition to their artistic pursuits, they are avid learners, constantly seeking knowledge and engaging in intellectual studies. Their thirst for new experiences leads them to explore different fields and subjects, from astronomy to psychology, from history to philosophy. This diverse range of interests has shaped a unique culture of curiosity and exploration, where they embrace the joy of learning and the excitement of discovery. While they may not be experts in any one area, they derive fulfillment from the process of exploring and experimenting, rather than focusing solely on mastering a specific task or completing personal projects.

Foods & Cuisine

As a consequence of spending extended periods of time without partaking in nourishment, the digestive systems of githyanki undergo a process of atrophy. Consequently, whenever they find themselves beyond the Astral Sea, githyanki are in need of regular sustenance, preferably meals that are abundant in meat and provide them with the necessary nutrients to sustain their physical well-being.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Githyanki, who are unable to age in the Astral Sea, have devised a unique method to ensure the survival and growth of their population. Instead of reproducing at a high rate like many other species, they carefully raise their young in other planes until they reach maturity. This approach, although resulting in a low birth rate, allows the Githyanki to focus on quality rather than quantity.
To protect and nurture their offspring, Githyanki prefer to establish hidden crèches on the Prime Material Plane. These secret locations serve as safe havens where caretakers, known as varsh, hatch the eggs and collectively raise the young. This communal upbringing ensures that the Githyanki youth receive a well-rounded education and extensive training in combat from a young age.
One of the key aspects of their upbringing is the constant exposure to stories and legends of Vlaakith, the revered leader of the Githyanki and her immortal warriors. These tales inspire the young Githyanki and instill in them a sense of pride and loyalty towards their people.
However, life for the Githyanki is not without its challenges. Mind flayers, their ancient enemies, frequently launch hunting parties and raids on the Astral Plane, seeking to invade worlds and eliminate the Githyanki. These encounters serve as a constant reminder of the need for vigilance and the importance of military training.
While the Githyanki hold Vlaakith in high esteem, their society does not revolve around a common religion. Instead, their unity is driven by a shared desire for revenge against the mind flayers and a thirst for new experiences. This has led to a society that prioritizes physical prowess and strength, with a hierarchical military structure that ensures discipline and order.
To sustain their society and expand their power, Githyanki frequently conduct raids to acquire magical artifacts and accumulate wealth. These resources are seen as essential for their survival and advancement. They also highly value their silver swords, considering them symbolic of their identity and heritage.

Coming of Age Rites

Amongst the military class, it is a widely held belief that raiding mind flayer strongholds serves as an important rite of passage. This practice is particularly significant as it showcases one's transition into adulthood and full integration into the community. Notably, a key tradition within this rite of passage involves the retrieval of a mind flayer's head, which is then proudly presented before Vlaakith, symbolizing the individual's commitment to the military and their dedication to the collective cause.

Historical figures

Gith played a crucial role in leading the rebellion against the mind flayer empire, which resulted in its downfall and the rise of the githyanki. Initially enslaved by the powerful mind flayers, Gith eventually rallied her followers and defeated their masters, leading them to the Astral Plane. Although details about Gith's past as a slave are unclear, some stories depict her as a high-ranking bodyguard and champion for a mind flayer, while others portray her as a young and unremarkable foot soldier. What is certain is that Gith possessed a unique mutation that disrupted the mind flayers' hive mind, leaving them disoriented and vulnerable. While rebellions by gith slaves against the mind flayers were common during the vast mind flayer empires, none posed a significant threat until Gith united the rebel groups, effectively shattering the mind flayer empire and dealing a crippling blow to the mind flayer species.
Following the victory against the mind flayer empire, Gith, as the leader of the rebellion, advocated for the eradication of all remaining mind flayers in the multiverse. This vision of conquest resonated with many of her followers. However, another leader named Zerthimon argued that the gith were already free and should focus on rebuilding their damaged race. Zerthimon's perspective also found support among the gith. Despite differing opinions, Gith remained steadfast in her belief that her path was the only way forward, emphasizing the need for unity. Zerthimon countered that "there cannot be two skies," leading to the Pronouncement of Two Skies, a declaration of war that divided the gith into two factions: the githyanki, who followed Gith's warrior-queen leadership, and the githzerai, who followed Zerthimon's teachings in the Elemental Chaos. Since then, the two peoples have remained antagonistic towards one another.
According to accounts, Gith ventured into the Outer Planes to forge alliances against the mind flayers. These pacts were arranged through Gith's advisor, Vlaakith, and would involve a partnership between the githyanki and the denizens of the Outer Planes. After Gith did not return, a consort of the fiends of Darkness conveyed Gith's final decree. As a result, Vlaakith became the first queen of all the githyanki, and they were instructed to continue their conquests while awaiting Gith's prophesied return.
From her mighty stronghold, known as Susurrus or the Palace of Whispers, Vlaakith exerts her control and commands the unwavering loyalty of her githyanki subjects. Her Throne of Bones, crafted from the remains of vanquished mind flayers, serves as a chilling reminder of her authority and power. Vlaakith is not just a ruler but also a highly skilled and accomplished wizard, proficient in the dark arts of necromancy and transmutation. In addition to her formidable magical abilities, Vlaakith possesses a collection of enchanted items that further enhance her might. These include the mystical bracers of armor, a captivating cloak of charisma, a mesmerizing dancing silver sword, and an intellect-boosting headband. Her ascension to the throne over a thousand years ago marked her transformation into a lich, a powerful undead being. With unwavering determination, Vlaakith's ultimate ambition is to transcend her current state and ascend to godhood.
To ensure her dominance and expand her influence, she actively encourages her githyanki subjects to worship and revere her as a deity, solidifying her divine aspirations. Despite her undisputed rule, Vlaakith faces ongoing challenges in keeping her people occupied and preventing internal power struggles. Through rigorous training, the githyanki are instilled with unwavering loyalty to their queen, and their initiation into githyanki society involves the solemn task of slaying a mind flayer. Vlaakith maintains a tight grip on her dominion through calculated raids and exploits, encouraging her followers to engage in meaningful pursuits that further her goals. However, even with her apparent invulnerability, Vlaakith's future remains uncertain, and she constantly strives to maintain her rule without compromising her own power. To enforce her commands and maintain order, Vlaakith relies on her elite githyanki knights, who serve as her loyal enforcers.
Susurrus, Vlaakith's impregnable stronghold, stands as a testament to her indomitable rule. Protected by a formidable army, the fortress is virtually impenetrable to any would-be assailants. Since gaining their hard-fought freedom, the githyanki have transformed into ruthless conquerors under Vlaakith's unyielding guidance. In the face of adversity and the ever-looming unknown, Vlaakith remains resolute in her quest to maintain her rule and expand her influence. The githyanki, molded into fierce warriors and devoted subjects, stand ready to fight and die at her command. Together, under the leadership of the indomitable Lich-Queen Vlaakith, they strive to carve out their place in the multiverse and fulfill their dark ambitions.
Encompassed species


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