

Culture and cultural heritage

Githzerai society is renowned for its monastic and introspective nature, which places a strong emphasis on self-discipline and personal freedom. They possess remarkable skill in shaping the chaotic elements of the Elemental Chaos, utilizing their psionic power to transform it into fortified structures and monasteries. In addition to their presence in other planes aligned with Chaos, the githzerai occasionally deploy specialized squads to eliminate mind flayer colonies, even though they typically prefer non-violent methods. These grand monasteries of the githzerai expertly navigate through the ever-shifting Elemental Chaos, maintaining stability and designed by the anarchs themselves. Each fortress is completely self-sufficient and maintains constant psychic communication with one another. The largest concentration of githzerai can be found in the capital city of Shra'kt'lor, which also serves as the headquarters for their formidable military forces. By employing their psionic abilities to transport adamantine citadels to other planes, the githzerai are capable of causing disruption in the natural order. These citadels fulfill a multitude of functions, including surveillance of potential enemies, resource collection, and coordination with local populations. Once their objectives have been achieved, the citadels mysteriously vanish, leaving a transformed landscape behind.

Shared customary codes and values

Since their glorious triumph over the mind flayers and subsequent hard-fought defeat by the githyanki, the githzerai have made a conscious decision to embrace a life of simplicity and profound contemplation. Their ultimate goal is to embark on a journey of self-discovery, unearthing their true potential while facing various challenges that come their way. The githzerai are unwavering in their commitment to not only preserve their own existence but also to forge alliances among the diverse species of the multiverse, as they stand united in the relentless battle against mind flayers and any other oppressive forces that seek to subjugate others.
With unwavering dedication, the githzerai hold steadfast to their origins, approaching all matters with an impeccable sense of morality. They firmly believe that by embracing the richness of diversity and shunning conflict, they can lay the foundation for a society that champions civility, enlightenment, and harmonious coexistence. In their unwavering pursuit of a brighter future, the githzerai share a profound sense of purpose, drawing inspiration from their illustrious heroes and aspiring to embody their noble virtues in their everyday lives.

Common Dress code

Githzerai are well-known for their practical and modest approach to clothing choices, which reflects their simple and economical lifestyle. They prioritize functionality and efficiency, opting for attire that serves their needs without unnecessary extravagance.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Many githzerai individuals choose to pursue a path of self-discipline and enlightenment, dedicating themselves to the teachings of the martial arts and the ways of the monks. Through their rigorous training, they develop a unique ability to harness and control the chaotic energies of the Elemental Chaos, a realm of perpetual turbulence and unpredictability. By venturing into various realms and embarking on daring adventures, these githzerai heroes actively thwart the nefarious schemes and ambitions of their enemies, who seek to impose their dominance upon the world.
Living amidst the perpetual chaos of the Elemental Chaos demands that the githzerai embrace the power of their minds as a means to counteract and navigate through the overwhelming turmoil. Among the githzerai, there exist a select few known as anarchs, who possess an extraordinary mastery over the chaotic energies. These exceptional individuals sustain their communities by tapping into and channeling the psychic powers of their fellow githzerai. Through their remarkable abilities, the anarchs are able to stabilize and exert control over the volatile forces of the Elemental Chaos, effortlessly manifesting matter and energy with a mere thought, and even manipulating the very fabric of gravity itself. Within the ranks of the githzerai, the anarchs, though few in number, assume leadership roles, guiding their communities and citadels within the Elemental Chaos and across other planes of existence.
Another esteemed group among the githzerai are the zerths, highly skilled monks who possess the incredible ability to traverse between different planes of existence, utilizing the power of their minds as a gateway to other realms. These adept individuals engage in deep meditation practices, seeking to transcend the limitations of their physical forms and gain profound insights into the nature of reality itself.
The githzerai fortress-monasteries, where the githzerai reside, stand as bastions of order and resilience amidst the chaotic energies that permeate the Elemental Chaos. These strongholds are meticulously organized, with a social hierarchy that is based on merit and the individuals who demonstrate the greatest wisdom and skill rise to positions of leadership and authority. It is within these fortress-monasteries that the githzerai hold deep reverence for Zerthimon, an influential figure in their history and teachings, and their focus is primarily on protecting and incapacitating their foes rather than resorting to lethal force.
In their ongoing battle against the mind flayers and their ancient rivals, the githyanki, the githzerai dispatch groups of their warriors and adepts to other planes of existence, lending their aid in the fight against these formidable adversaries. Furthermore, the githzerai actively seek collaboration and cooperation with the denizens of other planes, recognizing the importance of forging alliances to achieve their shared objectives. Ever vigilant, the githzerai monitor the activities of the githyanki, their long-standing adversaries, and steadfastly oppose the insidious threat posed by the mind flayers, recognizing the danger they present to all planes of existence. In a rare display of unity, both the githyanki and the githzerai share a common belief that the menace of the mind flayers must be eradicated, for the survival of all sentient beings across the planes is at stake.

Common Myths and Legends

According to the ancient legends passed down by the githzerai, it is believed that Zerthimon, their revered spiritual leader, exists in a perpetual state of profound meditation within a mystical realm. From this transcendent state, Zerthimon regularly channels divine visions to provide profound guidance and wisdom to his devoted followers. These visions, like ethereal threads of enlightenment, weave through the fabric of the githzerai's collective consciousness, illuminating their path towards enlightenment and inner peace.
The timeless legends further foretell the eventual return of Zerthimon, not as a mere mortal, but as a mighty guiding spirit. This prophesized resurgence of Zerthimon is eagerly awaited by the githzerai, as they believe that his renewed presence will bring about a golden era of spiritual enlightenment and harmony among their people. It is said that when Zerthimon returns, his guiding spirit will radiate with an unparalleled power, illuminating the darkest corners of doubt and leading the githzerai towards a future of boundless possibilities and spiritual awakening.

Historical figures

After centuries of enduring enslavement, the gith forerunners finally rebelled against the mind flayer empire, led by Gith herself. Their uprising brought the mind flayers to the brink of extinction. Gith, driven by her desire to see the gith dominate not only the Astral Sea but also the entire multiverse, vowed to continue the war until every last mind flayer was defeated. However, during this tumultuous time, a gith named Zerthimon emerged as a charismatic leader and questioned Gith's authority. Zerthimon argued that her single-minded focus on conquest and her disregard for other beings in the multiverse would only mirror the mind flayers' tyranny. This fundamental disagreement sparked a violent division within the gith community. Tragically, Zerthimon lost his life, and his loyal followers, known as the "githzerai," were forced to retreat to the chaotic realm of the Elemental Chaos. Meanwhile, the conflict had taken its toll on Gith's forces, compelling them to regroup in the Astral Sea. The mind flayers, sensing the shift in power, wisely chose to withdraw and hide in the depths of the Prime Material Plane.


Gender Ideals

Masculine githzerai typically choose to either shave their heads or wear their hair in braids. This choice of hairstyle allows them to showcase their unique sense of individuality and personal style. By shaving their heads, masculine githzerai embrace a bold and minimalist look that accentuates their facial features and highlights their strong and chiseled jawlines. On the other hand, those who prefer to wear their hair in braids add a touch of cultural significance to their appearance. These intricate braids not only showcase their dexterity and attention to detail but also serve as a symbol of their connection to their ancestral heritage.
Similarly, feminine githzerai also have their own distinctive preferences when it comes to hairstyles. They often opt for buns, which provide a sense of elegance and sophistication. The carefully crafted buns not only add height and volume to their overall look but also exude a sense of grace and poise. Additionally, feminine githzerai also choose to wear their hair in braids, just like their masculine counterparts. These braids not only accentuate their femininity but also serve as a way for them to express their creativity and individuality.
Encompassed species


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