
Basic Information

Biological Traits

Grungs are known for secreting a substance that may be poisonous to other creatures, but at the same time, it is harmless to the grungs themselves. This is because the substance is produced by the grung's skin glands. The effect of the venom may vary depending on the grung's color. It is also noteworthy that grungs use this venom as a weapon to defend themselves from predators. By applying the venom to their weapons, grungs can easily disable their enemies. Some grungs may also use their venom to hunt for food. The venom may serve as a slow-acting poison that will allow the grung to catch up with its prey once it's too weak to run. In other cases, grungs may use their venom for medicinal purposes. Some grungs may use it to cure diseases, while others may use it as a painkiller. The medicinal properties of the venom are still being studied by scholars to this day.

Growth Rate & Stages

The life cycle of a grung tadpole is relatively short. After hatching, it only takes about three months for the tadpole to develop into an adult form. During this period, the tadpole goes through several stages of development, including the growth of limbs and the development of internal organs. Once it has reached adult form, the grung will continue to grow and mature for another six months until it reaches full maturity. At this point, the grung will have developed all of its unique traits, such as its bright skin color and its ability to secrete poison from its skin. It will also have developed its social behavior, including its intricate mating rituals and its dominant hierarchy within its community.

Ecology and Habitats

Grungs are a unique species of amphibians that are typically found in the lush rainforests and tropical jungles of the world. Their unique physiology allows them to thrive in these environments, as they are able to adapt to the humid and damp conditions that are present in these regions.
These fascinating creatures prefer to live in the shade of the trees, where they are able to stay cool and comfortable despite the heat and humidity of the jungle. They are also known for maintaining hatcheries for their offspring, which are typically located in well-guarded ground-level pools. These hatcheries serve as a safe haven for the young grungs, protecting them from predators and other dangers that lurk in the jungle.
One of the most interesting things about grungs is their fiercely territorial nature. They will defend their territory with all their might, using their impressive jumping ability and powerful legs to fend off any intruders. This makes them a formidable opponent for any would-be predators, as they are not afraid to stand up for themselves and their territory.

Biological Cycle

Grungs are a unique species that require a lot of hydration to function properly. In fact, they must be immersed in water for at least an hour each day. This may sound like a lot, but it is crucial for their overall health and well-being. Without proper hydration, grungs can become lethargic and have difficulty performing their daily duties.
Interestingly, many grungs choose to sleep immersed in water as well. This allows them to not only rest but also replenish their bodies with the necessary hydration for the following day. It is a fascinating adaptation that highlights the importance of water for these amphibious creatures. So, while it may seem like a lot of time to spend in the water, it is actually a vital part of a grung's daily routine.

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Grung society is a fascinating caste system that is unique in many ways. Each caste lays eggs in a separate hatching pool, and juvenile grungs join their caste upon emergence from the hatchery. This process ensures that each caste is well-defined and cohesive, with members that share similar characteristics. All grungs are a dull greenish gray when they are born, but each individual takes on the color of its caste as it grows to adulthood. This transformation is a crucial aspect of grung society, as it signifies the individual's role and status within the tribe.
Green grungs are the tribe’s warriors, hunters, and laborers, and play a vital role in the tribe's survival. They are known for their strength and agility, and are highly respected by all other castes. Blue grungs, on the other hand, work as artisans and in other domestic roles. They are skilled in various crafts such as weaving, pottery, and cooking, and are responsible for providing the tribe with essential goods and services. Supervising and guiding both groups are the purple grungs, which serve as administrators and commanders. Their role is crucial in maintaining order and ensuring the tribe's continued success.
Red grungs are the tribe’s scholars and magic users, and are highly valued for their knowledge and expertise. They are considered superior to purple, blue, and green grungs, and are given proper respect even by grungs of higher status. Their contributions to the tribe are immeasurable, as they are responsible for developing new technologies, creating magic potions, and solving complex problems.
Higher castes include orange grungs, which are elite warriors that have authority over all lesser grungs, and gold grungs, which hold the highest leadership positions. A tribe’s sovereign is always a gold grung, and their wisdom and guidance are essential in times of crisis. These grungs have the power to make important decisions that affect the entire tribe, and their judgment is trusted by all.
A grung normally remains in its caste for life. However, on rare occasions, an individual that distinguishes itself with great deeds can earn an invitation to join a higher caste. This process is a testament to grung society's merit-based system, as it rewards hard work and dedication. Through a combination of herbal tonics and ritual magic, an elevated grung changes color and is inducted into its new caste in the same way that a juvenile of the caste would be. From then on, the grung and its progeny are members of the higher caste, and their contributions to the tribe are even more significant.
~50 yrs.
Average Height
2.5 to 3.5 ft.
Average Weight
~30 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Born in a wide range of colors, grungs most often appear in shades of green, blue, purple, red, orange, and gold.


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