
Divine Domains

Hidogen is associated with several domains that reflect their role as a guardian of boundaries and facilitator of transitions. These domains include:

1. Protection: Hidogen offers protection to travelers and those who rely on established paths. They safeguard individuals from physical dangers and provide a sense of security along known routes.

2. Guidance: As a knowledgeable guide, Hidogen possesses expertise in various paths and routes. They offer wisdom and guidance to those who seek it, helping them navigate with confidence.

3. Order: Hidogen represents the importance of established paths and the value of familiarity. They emphasize the need for stability and order in society, promoting the preservation of known routes and boundaries.

4. Connection: Hidogen oversees gates, doorways, and passages, symbolizing their significance in connecting different spaces and realms. They facilitate transitions and ensure a seamless passage between distinct places.

5. Ownership: Hidogen is intertwined with the concepts of land ownership and property division. They promote equity and fair distribution of resources, ensuring that each member of the community has access to their rightful share of the land.

6. Sanctity: Hidogen's presence brings sanctity to boundaries and markers. They foster a harmonious relationship between the land and its inhabitants, granting blessings and ensuring the protection and integrity of the land.

7. Unity: Hidogen symbolizes unity and shared responsibility. They emphasize the collective nature of maintaining boundaries and upholding principles of order and fairness within the community.

These domains reflect Hidogen's multifaceted role as a deity, encompassing their responsibilities as a guardian, guide, and overseer of boundaries and transitions.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbols play a significant role in denoting the presence of the divine and are used in both common and secret iconography associated with Hidogen. Here are some symbols commonly associated with the deity:

1. Ring of Keys: The ring of keys represents Hidogen as the guardian of gates and doors. It symbolizes the deity's responsibility and authority in controlling access and ensuring security. Keys and locks are sometimes used as symbols of Hidogen's authority and control over access. They represent the deity's power to open and close gates, doors, and passages.

2. Door with Key: This symbol represents Hidogen as a protector of boundaries and transitions. It commonly depicts a beautifully crafted door with a key inserted into its keyhole, symbolizing the deity's role in opening and closing passages between different spaces and realms.

3. Boundary Stones: Boundary stones are often used as symbols of Hidogen's presence. They represent the sacred bond between the marker and the land, signifying the enduring nature of divisions and the responsibility of the community to honor and respect them. The act of anointing the boundary marker with oils or other sacred substances is a symbolic gesture that emphasizes its sanctity and spiritual significance. It serves as a reminder of the boundaries it represents and the importance of respecting those divisions. Garlands are used as symbols of unity and shared responsibility. They are often placed on respective sides of boundary markers during rituals and festivals, emphasizing the collective nature of maintaining boundaries and upholding principles of order and fairness.

4. Land Divisions: Symbols representing land divisions, such as maps, surveying tools, or boundary lines, can also be associated with Hidogen. These symbols highlight the deity's role in land ownership, property division, and the preservation of order within the community.

It is important to note that some symbols associated with Hidogen may be part of secret iconography known only to specific religious or cultural groups. These secret symbols often hold deeper meaning and are used in rituals and ceremonies specific to those groups.

Divine Classification


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