Hill Goblin

Called Tsejo Bujushteom (/ʦeˈɟo buɟuʃˈteom/) in the original Goblin.


Culture and cultural heritage

Hill Goblins are undoubtedly one of the most prominent and dreaded goblin factions in the world due to their incredible adaptability and resourcefulness. These goblins are highly skilled in taking advantage of their environment, and they can thrive in almost any location as long as they have access to a few caves or hidden areas near busy roads. Their mobility is one of their greatest strengths, as they can quickly relocate and avoid being driven out of an area by their enemies.
It is worth noting that the Hill Goblins are not only skilled in surviving in different environments but are also masters of taking over cavern complexes, ruined forts, or abandoned mines to use as their base of operations. They use these locations to store their scavenged treasure and tamed creatures while their scouting parties range out by night to search for promising ambush sites. During the day, they set up temporary camps in nearby caves to rest and avoid detection.
Despite their fearsome reputation, Hill Goblins are known for their sophistication and adaptability. They have a deep understanding of their surroundings and use them to their advantage whenever possible. This has made them one of the most successful goblin factions in the world, and they have managed to thrive in even the most challenging environments.

Shared customary codes and values

The Hill Goblins are known to enjoy feeling powerful, even though they may not always utilize that power effectively. In fact, they lack a sense of personal loyalty, which makes them willing to do almost anything to gain a taste of power as long as they believe they can do so without facing any consequences. Their easy manipulation when they perceive that they have the upper hand explains why they often take pleasure in lording their power over those beneath them, which in turn provides their enemies with a chance to strategize and plan a counterattack. However, their love of power is not limited to just lording it over others. They also enjoy exerting control in other ways, such as through the use of fear, intimidation, and manipulation. As a result, those who encounter Hill Goblins must always be on their guard and ready to confront them, lest they become a victim of their power-hungry ways.

Common Dress code

Hill Goblins are a formidable force to be reckoned with due to their superior equipment. They have the ability to loot higher quality materials than other goblin factions, which allows them to outfit their troops with finely crafted leather and steel armor. Some Hill Goblins are even skilled in the art of crafting metal weapons and armor, giving them an edge in battle. These weapons and armor are often adorned with barbs, hooks, and other sharp features that cause severe injury to their opponents. This versatility in their armaments makes Hill Goblins proficient in a variety of bladed weapons, such as scimitars and axes, which they use to great effect on the battlefield. Additionally, the Hill Goblins are known to be resourceful and cunning, often using their superior equipment to their advantage in unexpected ways. With their combination of superior equipment and strategic prowess, the Hill Goblins are a force to be reckoned with in any conflict.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Hill Goblins are a highly elusive and cunning group of creatures. Their ability to adapt to their environment is remarkable. They use the terrain to their advantage by setting up temporary camps around promising ambush sites. During the day, they hide in crevices or undergrowth and range out by nightfall. They are known to employ various tactics to attack their victims, including rigging rockslides in hilly areas, preparing trees to fall in forested ones, and stringing garrotes between trunks. Additionally, they have been known to swing spiked rams into the path and undermine the track to catch their victims off guard. They also set up hunting blinds to attack their victims from a distance and while remaining hidden. Their impressive adaptability and knowledge of their environment make them a formidable adversary.
Encompassed species


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