Ibrian Incantors

Tenets of Faith

1. Nourishing Life: Ibrians believe in the sacredness of all life forms and the importance of nurturing their well-being. They are committed to cherishing and celebrating the diversity of life and promoting its growth.

2. Embracing Transitions: Ibrians recognize the natural cycles of life, death, and rebirth. They embrace the changes and transitions that life brings, fostering personal growth and the continual evolution of the world around them.

3. Harmonious Coexistence: Ibrians emphasize the interconnectedness among all living creatures. They strive to foster harmonious coexistence, promoting understanding, empathy, and cooperation among individuals and communities.

4. Social Responsibility: Ibrians are dedicated to social responsibility and actively engage in charitable activities. They use their magical abilities and knowledge to support those in need, promote equitable access to healthcare, and alleviate suffering in times of crises.

5. Healing and Growth: Ibrians prioritize the well-being and growth of individuals and communities. They provide holistic magical care, promote mental health, offer therapeutic support, and empower individuals to embrace their personal journeys of healing and growth.

These tenets form the foundation of the Ibrian faith, guiding their beliefs, actions, and interactions with the world.


Here are some key principles:

1. Nourishing Life:

- Sin: Causing harm or destruction to any living being without just cause.

- Pious Act: Engaging in acts of kindness, compassion, and nurturing towards all living creatures.

2. Embracing Transitions:

- Sin: Resisting or fearing change and growth, hindering personal or societal progress.

- Pious Act: Embracing and adapting to the natural transitions and changes of life, fostering personal growth and supporting the growth of others.

3. Harmonious Coexistence:

- Sin: Engaging in actions that promote division, conflict, or harm to others.

- Pious Act: Promoting understanding, empathy, and cooperation among individuals and communities, fostering harmonious coexistence.

4. Social Responsibility:

- Sin: Neglecting the well-being of others, ignoring or perpetuating societal injustices.

- Pious Act: Engaging in charitable activities, supporting those in need, advocating for equitable access to resources and healthcare, and alleviating suffering in times of crises.

5. Healing and Growth:

- Sin: Ignoring or neglecting one's own well-being or hindering the growth of others.

- Pious Act: Prioritizing personal and communal well-being, promoting mental health, offering support and healing to oneself and others, and actively pursuing personal growth and development.

These rules and interpretations provide a moral compass for Ibrians, guiding them in making choices that align with the principles of their faith. It is important to note that the specific interpretations and practices may vary among different communities and individual Ibrians, as the religion allows for personal reflection and interpretation within the boundaries of the core tenets.


Worship in the Ibrian religion involves a combination of regular practices, rituals, and traditions that help the faithful connect with the divine and express their devotion. Here are some everyday and regular practices followed by the faithful:

1. Morning Rituals: The faithful gather at sunrise to participate in sacred rituals. These rituals include offering prayers, bestowing blessings, and making solemn agreements with the hope of receiving divine favor. Worshipers craft prayers for various purposes such as expressing gratitude, seeking guidance, or asking for blessings. These prayers establish a direct line of communication with the deity, Ibris, and reaffirm the commitment to the cycle of life and love for all living beings.

2. Meditation and Reflection: Ibrians engage in regular meditation and reflection practices to deepen their spiritual connection. They find quiet and serene spaces, often within the temples dedicated to Ibris, to engage in introspection and commune with the divine. These moments of stillness allow worshipers to align their mind, body, and spirit, fostering a sense of harmony and connection.

3. Sacred Contracts: During the morning rituals, the faithful create solemn contracts representing vows and commitments to uphold the values and principles of the Ibrian Incantors and Ibris. These contracts symbolize dedication to the well-being of all living beings and the preservation of the cycle of life.

4. Chanting and Melodic Devotion: Ibrians incorporate chanting and melodic devotion as a part of their worship practices. The clergy of Ibris use melodic chants accompanied by bells to invoke a sense of unity and connection with the divine. The repetitive nature of the chants helps induce a meditative state and heighten the spiritual experience.

5. Birth Celebrations: Ibrians celebrate the beginning of new life through birth ceremonies. These ceremonies involve blessings from the clergy, prayers to Ibris, and offerings of gifts to honor the newborn and ensure their well-being and future growth.

6. Funerals and Wakes: Funerals in the Ibrian tradition are transformed into wakes that endure until the break of dawn, symbolizing the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Ibrians view death as a natural part of the cycle and provide support and guidance to individuals and families during the mourning process. The Ibrian clergy plays a crucial role in helping souls transition to the afterlife, emphasizing the eternal bond between loved ones.

7. Magical Healing and Counseling: Ibrian Incantors offer magical healing and counseling services to promote well-being. They use spells, rituals, and techniques such as dream interpretation, aura reading, or energy healing to address emotional distress and support mental well-being. Ibrians believe in the holistic nature of healing and incorporate magical practices to support individuals on their personal healing journeys.

8. Charitable Activities: Ibrians engage in charitable activities as part of their commitment to social responsibility. They organize magical food drives, donate enchanted supplies to local schools, and support orphanages by offering magical healing and emotional support to children in need. These acts of charity highlight the Ibrian commitment to helping others and creating a more equitable society.

It is important to note that these practices may vary among different communities and individual Ibrians, as personal reflection and interpretation are encouraged within the boundaries of the core tenets of the faith. Additionally, the temples dedicated to Ibris serve as sacred spaces for worship, healing, and reflection, providing a serene environment for the faithful to engage in their practices and rituals.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Ibrian religion has a significant impact on the political fabric of the organizations that it has permeated. The core tenets of the faith, such as nourishing life, embracing transitions, harmonious coexistence, social responsibility, and healing and growth, shape the values and principles upheld by Ibrians in their political engagement.

Firstly, the emphasis on nourishing life and promoting the well-being of all living beings influences the political priorities of Ibrian-influenced organizations. They prioritize policies and initiatives that protect the environment, preserve biodiversity, and support sustainable practices. Ibrians advocate for laws and regulations that ensure the welfare of animals, promote ethical treatment, and prevent harm to ecosystems.

Secondly, the belief in embracing transitions and fostering personal growth translates into a political stance that supports progressive and inclusive policies. Ibrian-influenced organizations strive for social justice, equality, and human rights. They advocate for policies that promote diversity, inclusivity, and equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their background or identity.

Thirdly, the principle of harmonious coexistence shapes the political approach of Ibrians. They prioritize diplomacy, collaboration, and peaceful resolution of conflicts. Ibrian-influenced organizations work towards building bridges between different communities and fostering understanding and empathy among diverse groups. They actively engage in dialogue and mediation, promoting cooperation and seeking common ground.

Additionally, the commitment to social responsibility influences the political actions of Ibrians. They advocate for policies that address societal inequalities, poverty, and access to basic needs and resources. Ibrian-influenced organizations support initiatives that provide healthcare, education, and social support to marginalized communities. They strive to create a more equitable society where everyone has equal opportunities and access to essential services.

Lastly, the focus on healing and growth has implications for political engagement. Ibrian-influenced organizations prioritize policies that support mental health, well-being, and personal development. They advocate for comprehensive healthcare systems that address both physical and mental health needs. Ibrians believe in the importance of holistic care and work towards establishing policies that promote individual growth and empowerment.

“Nourish the world with love.”

Religious, Organised Religion


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