Jushipu Momun (/juˈʃipu ˈmɔmun/)


The Jushipu Momun, the Great Library of Heaven, is a magnificent structure dedicated to knowledge and learning. It is characterized by a pair of massive marble doors at its entrance, adorned with giant statues. Upon entering, visitors find themselves in a circular domed chamber with numerous portals and massive archways.

The entry hall is illuminated by natural light pouring in from window-sized arches at the top of the massive marble walls. The library's architecture creates a sense of grandeur and awe. The corridors and archives within the library seem to stretch endlessly, with each section appearing to lose a sense of scale.

The Great Library of Heaven is divided into different sections known as archives. Each archive, such as Kime Nozozi (Archive of the Past), Kime Nyon (Archive of the Present), and Kime Mamam (Archive of the Future), is marked by a domed well surrounded by a wide walkway. Bridges cross the well at regular intervals, connecting to stairs leading to levels above and below. The library's intuitive ability guides visitors to their desired destinations within the vast collection of rooms and archives.

Throughout the library, the atmosphere is quiet and peaceful, allowing visitors to freely explore its depths. The occasional automata, rare petitioner, or very rare visitor can be seen wandering the levels, hallways, and walkways. The library's vast space and open design provide a sense of tranquility and endless possibilities.

The Jushipu Momun is a divine domain, associated with Ryvian, the god of knowledge. It is home to the souls of those who dedicated their lives to knowledge, such as scribes and scholars. The library's automata assistants diligently catalog and maintain the vast collection, while the three mi Iwejikime (Archivists) oversee its organization and ensure the preservation of knowledge.

While within the library, all creatures gain the ability to comprehend any written word, regardless of the language it was written in. Visitors are expected to conduct themselves with decorum and refrain from conflicts, as the automata swiftly intervene to maintain order. In case of a significant threat, Ryvian can summon Tzadriel, alongside more automata, for assistance.

The physical layout of the Great Library of Heaven reflects the limitless pursuit of knowledge, with its vast chambers, endless corridors, and an abundance of archives waiting to be explored.


The Great Library of Heaven, Jushipu Momun, is a magnificent structure within the Eternal City dedicated to knowledge and learning. It is not only a physical space but also a realm inhabited by various entities and beings that contribute to its functioning and preservation of knowledge. Let's delve into the detailed description of these inhabitants:

1. Automata: The library utilizes animate creatures made of metal and stone to serve as assistants for the mi Iwejikime. These automata, created with remarkable craftsmanship, possess a meticulous and tireless nature. They diligently catalog and move pieces around the library, ensuring the organization and maintenance of the vast collection. The automata's duty within the library is to support the archivists and ensure that the knowledge within the Jushipu Momun remains accessible and well-preserved.

2. Petitioners: As a divine domain, the Jushipu Momun serves as the heaven for souls dedicated to gaining and preserving knowledge. The most common souls wandering the library are scribes and scholars who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of knowledge. These souls, with their insatiable curiosity and thirst for learning, find solace and purpose within the vast halls of the Great Library of Heaven. Some of these souls are renowned figures from the Prime Material, revered for their contributions to the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge.

3. Mi Iwejikime: The three mi Iwejikime serve as archivists and librarians within the Great Library of Heaven. They are the custodians of knowledge, responsible for the organization, curation, and restoration of artifacts, manuscripts, and documents throughout the library. Each archivist has their own specific role and unique characteristics:

a. Dumah: Dumah is the Iwejikime of the Past. They exude an air of wisdom and hold an encyclopedic knowledge of historical events and ancient civilizations. Dumah's responsibility lies in sorting and filing ancient pieces of the library's collection, meticulously maintaining the immeasurably vast catalog that organizes them. When not cross-referencing this expanding collection, Dumah is often found curating and restoring artifacts, taking great care to preserve the invaluable remnants of the past. Dumah's patience is legendary, always welcoming any chance to discuss history with visitors and offering insights into the rich tapestry of bygone eras.

b. Tzadriel: Tzadriel is the Iwejikime of the Present, entrusted with the immense task of overseeing the library's operations in the current epoch. They command the vast network of automata within the library, ensuring their smooth functioning and coordination. Tzadriel's role extends beyond mere supervision, as they actively assist the other archivists in their tasks. Their expertise lies in the enigmatic process of shifting information from the future to the present and from the present to the past, a delicate dance that keeps the library's knowledge up to date. Diligence and focus are Tzadriel's defining traits, as they tirelessly work to maintain the accuracy and accessibility of the library's ever-evolving collection. However, if a visitor brings information about the present that has not yet arrived in written form, they will have Tzadriel's immediate and full attention, showcasing their unwavering commitment to keeping the library's knowledge current.

c. Araton: Araton is the Iwejikime of the Future, a figure immersed in constant meditation and attuned to the threads of destiny and possibility. They possess the unique ability to transcribe visions, deciphering the complex tapestry of fate to unveil glimpses of what is yet to come. Araton's primary responsibility lies in organizing and cataloging the recorded predictions and prophecies that have been written. They carefully sort through various strands of the future, extracting omens and insights that could shape the course of events. Araton's contemplative nature and deep connection to the mysteries of the future make them an invaluable asset within the Great Library of Heaven, ensuring that the knowledge of what lies ahead is preserved and accessible to those who seek it.

4. Ryvian: As the god of knowledge, Ryvian stands as the divine patron of the Jushipu Momun, overseeing the library's operations and ensuring that knowledge is preserved and shared appropriately. Ryvian's divine presence permeates the library, infusing it with an aura of wisdom and enlightenment. They possess an intimate understanding of the delicate balance between knowledge and its potential consequences. While a deity of the Order Sphere, Ryvian is cautious about what the library shares, recognizing that certain knowledge is not meant for the mortal mind. Some tomes within the archives are considered too dangerous for visitors and are securely locked away. In times of need, Ryvian has the power to summon Tzadriel alongside additional automata to assist in maintaining order and handling significant threats within the library, ensuring its sanctity and the safety of its visitors.

These diverse inhabitants contribute to the peaceful and orderly environment of the Great Library of Heaven, allowing visitors to explore its vast collection and gain access to knowledge from the past, present, and future. Their collective efforts ensure that the pursuit of knowledge remains an awe-inspiring endeavor within the realms of the Jushipu Momun.

Alternative Name(s)
Great Library of Heaven
Dimensional plane
Characters in Location


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