

Storm Caste 73 noble houses   Cloud Caste Magic Shops 4 Copyists 4 Illuminators 5 Bleachers 8 Booksellers 2 Painters 17 Wine-sellers 12 Bathers 6 Doctors 9 Barbers 75 Inns 13 Taverns 32 Bookbinders 6   Fire Caste Blacksmiths 7 Locksmiths 14 Buckle Makers 19 Cutlers 10 Jewelers 50   Frost Caste The peace is kept by 124 guardsmen   Stone Caste Carpenters 32 Woodcarvers 3 Coopers 31 Roofers 11 Masons 14 Sculptors 13 Plasterers 10 Woodsellers 9 For those more concerned about their soul, there are 643 Augurs and 16 Gothi.   Hill Caste Bakers 33 Butchers 19 Furriers 115 Tanners 5 Chandlers 35 Pastrycooks 33 Chicken Butchers 25 Fishmongers 13 Scabbardmakers 29 Hay Merchants 8 Saddlers 22 Beer-sellers 14 Ropemakers 5 Harness-makers 6 Shoemakers 67   Other   Glovemakers 8 Maidservants 80 Rugmakers 8 Watercarriers 10 Hatmakers 19 Mercers 29 Weavers 43 Old Clothes 63 Spice Merchants 19 Pursemakers 14 Tailors 55

Industry & Trade

This is the second largest city in Jhordheim due to its major export being raw or refined ores from the mines nearby. It is of strategic importance to Jhordheim, and a primary source of metals to the Fire Caste.


There is a sewage system, maintained by the Stone Caste, the port is maintained by the Hill Caste.


The city's gold piece limit is 40,000 gp. Anything, whether it be mundane or magical, having a price under that limit is most likely available for purchase. The total amount of available coinage, or the total value of any given item of equipment for sale at any given time, is 36,158,000 gp.
Owning Organization


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