
Divine Domains

Keros, the formidable deity of storms, disaster, and the oppressive summer heat, wields and commands all that is destructive and catastrophic in nature. They masterfully ride the hurricane, whip up the tornado, shake the ground with their might, and parch the earth with their intense heat. Flash floods that devastate landscapes, hail storms that batter and bruise, dust storms that blind and choke, and countless more natural disasters, are all under their vast and fearsome domain. The heart of the most ferocious winds and the roll of the loudest thunder echo their bellowing laughter, signaling their presence and might.

A complex and awe-inspiring entity, Keros is the embodiment of destructive forces, wrath, and fury. Their personality is marked by an inherent predisposition towards violence, a burning anger that flares at a moment's notice, impulsiveness that knows no bounds, and a short temper that can ignite at the slightest provocation. They can be driven to rampant, uncontrolled destruction by the slightest perceived offenses, and they may harbor a grudge for centuries, their wrath simmering and waiting to explode.

Keros finds an unsettling joy in chaos and unrestrained devastation, causing ruin for the sheer exhilarating pleasure of it. Their very existence embodies destruction and chaos, their laughter echoes in the rumbling of thunder and their anger in the devastation of a storm. They are a force to be reckoned with, a deity whose wrath and fury shape the world in ways that inspire awe and fear.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbology associated with Keros is quite distinct, frequently incorporating the colors black, brown, and blue. These colors are often used to depict a powerful image of a fist clenching three bolts of lightning, symbolizing their strength, power, and control over the elements. Keros themselves are often portrayed as a muscular, broad-shouldered humanoid figure, their physique suggestive of immense strength and resilience. Rarely is Keros depicted as fully dressed, their figure is often left exposed, further emphasizing their raw power and fearlessness.

An intriguing aspect of their representation is their face, as it does not contain traditional eyes. Instead, Keros' eye sockets are filled with balls of lightning, giving them an awe-inspiring and intimidating appearance. Additionally, their mouth is frequently depicted as expelling powerful winds. This imagery serves as a testament to Keros' control over the elemental forces and their ability to wield these forces as a formidable weapon.

Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles

Thunderer, The Eye in the Storm, and Drought-bringer



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