
Champion of song and child of Elgar and Agild

Divine Domains

Laer was a demi-god champion of song, born from the union of the god of storm giants and the god of cloud giants. As a child of two powerful deities, Laer possessed incredible strength and a deep connection to the natural world.
Being a champion of song meant that Laer had a special affinity for music and sound. He could use his voice to create powerful melodies that could inspire and uplift those around him. His songs were said to have the power to heal, and he often used them to bring comfort to those who were suffering.
As a demi-god, Laer was revered by many, but he also faced unique challenges. He had to balance his mortal and divine sides, and he often struggled to find his place in the world. Despite these challenges, Laer remained a steadfast champion of song, using his gifts to bring joy and hope to those around him.
Divine Classification
Pale blue lightning
Billowing white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale violet


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