
Basic Information


A Locathah is a fish out of water, quite literally. They are humanoid in the way that they have arms and hands, and stand upright. That being said, their aquatic nature is clear and obvious.

Genetics and Reproduction

Locathah reproduce underwater via egg sacs that females eject from their bodies so that a male can come by and fertilize them.

Growth Rate & Stages

Assuming an egg makes it to hatching, a Locathah hatchling takes 10 years to mature into an adult, slowly developing from what would look like a traditional fish then developing arms from the fins, and then legs.

Ecology and Habitats

All Locathahian communities are underwater, but near coastal areas. They are adaptable and can be found along many coasts.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While not supernatural, all Locathah are very observant.
80 years
Average Height
5 and 6 ft
Average Weight
150 lbs


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