Loudao paid (/loudao paid/)

Translates to "living earth" from the original Terran into Common

Basic Information


The loudao paid is a fascinating creature of incredible sturdiness. It has a striking resemblance to a boulder, with stumpy appendages that serve as arms and legs, and is completely made of solid rock. Interestingly, its appearance can change drastically depending on whether it is in motion or not. When inactive, it can appear as a simple, unassuming boulder, but when it is on the move, it takes on a stony form with four limbs. A curious feature of this creature is that its composition always corresponds to the type of rock in its surroundings. It is also worth noting that the most common type of loudao paid is the granite-like variety.

Genetics and Reproduction

The loudao paid is a fascinating creature, and its reproduction process is shrouded in mystery. According to some theories, loudao paid can only originate on the Plane of Earth and then travel to the Prime Material Plane. However, there have been sightings of smaller loudao paid, which are believed to be young ones. Interestingly, loudao paid are genderless and reproduce asexually. When a loudao paid reaches the end of its life, it leaves behind three smaller boulders that will incubate for a century before becoming animate as young loudao paid adults.
These younger loudao paid adults are known to migrate in search of new homes, leaving the largest loudao paid to take control of the immediate territory. It's worth noting that these creatures can be quite territorial, and it's not uncommon for them to fiercely defend their territory against intruders. On occasion, however, multiple loudao paid may share the same territory, although this is a relatively rare occurrence.

Growth Rate & Stages

The loudao paid is extremely long-lived and can survive for many thousands of years. If it dies of natural causes, it slowly cracks and breaks apart over several days.

Ecology and Habitats

The loudao paid, a type of magical creature, is capable of animating rocks and boulders in its immediate surroundings. This ability makes it a common sight in mountainous and rocky terrains. Typically, the loudao paid occupies territories that range from one to four square miles, and it has been known to set up natural traps to defend itself against intruders. Due to its unique abilities, the loudao paid is considered a permanent inhabitant of the Material Plane and can be found in underground caves as well as in mountainous or rocky environments. In addition to this, there have been numerous sightings of these creatures around the world, with some reports even suggesting that they may have some form of magical powers beyond their known abilities. Despite this, much remains unknown about the loudao paid, and researchers continue to study this fascinating creature in hopes of unlocking its many secrets.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The loudao paid is a fascinating creature that has adapted to its rocky environment in unique ways. Unlike most living beings, it does not need to eat food to survive. Instead, it gains nutrients from the rocks around it, much like plants derive energy from the sun. This ability to draw sustenance from the rocks is what gives the loudao paid its incredible strength and remarkable abilities to animate other stones.
It is important to note that the loudao paid is entirely dependent on its rocky habitat. Removing a loudao paid from its natural environment can have devastating consequences. The creature becomes weakened and eventually dies. If a loudao paid is exceptionally weakened, it may even lose its powers over other stones.

Biological Cycle

The loudao, a unique creature with its own distinct patterns of behavior, is typically more active during the daytime hours, when the sun is shining and the world is alive with activity. However, it is also capable of being animated at night, either through necessity or through the use of magical forces. Interestingly, those loudao who make their homes below ground, with little or no access to sunlight, are known to be capable of being active at all hours of the day and night, perhaps adapting to their subterranean environments. Regardless of where a loudao paid is found, it rarely chooses to be active at any time until the necessity arises.


The loudao paid are fascinating creatures with a strong sense of territoriality. Their reluctance to share information about their homes with outsiders has made it tough for researchers to gather information about them. However, one thing we do know is that they possess an incredible ability to manipulate the earth around them. They have the power to animate boulders, move earth, create openings in stone, and turn rocks into mud. It is a widely held belief among them that they are responsible for looking after the smaller stones and rocks around them, and they refer to the power of the earth often in this context.
In their leisure time, loudao paid are known to collect precious gems and are likely to know the locations of veins of precious metal, ores, and other gems. This knowledge has made them a valuable ally to many treasure hunters.
When it comes to combat, loudao paid have a few tricks up their sleeve. They can disappear into the ground by burrowing or through magic, or simply by not moving and blending in with their surroundings. If provoked, however, they can be fierce opponents and will not hesitate to use their powerful control of the element of earth to fight. They can pummel an enemy with their rocky appendages, bite, or even roll over them.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The loudao paid are known for their solitary lifestyles, as they typically live alone or in small groups known as "maewai". Despite being earth elementals, they do not coexist with other creatures of their kind. However, there have been rumors of large colonies of loudao paid in areas strongly connected to the Plane of Earth, which suggests that they may be capable of socializing and living in groups. It is also worth noting that the lack of social structure among the loudao paid means that they do not have any leaders or hierarchies to govern them, which could potentially make them more vulnerable to external threats and challenges. Despite this, the loudao paid have managed to survive and thrive in their solitary existence, adapting to their environment and making the most of their unique abilities.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Stone fragments from the body of a loudao paid provide an extra level of magical power to spells requiring stone as a material component. These fragments are highly sought after by spellcasters, especially wizards and druids, due to their unique properties. In fact, it is said that a single usage of a loudao paid fragment can greatly enhance the potency of a spell. However, it is important to note that such a fragment only contains this additional earth power for about a month before it behaves like any other stone.
Despite this limitation, there are still many ways in which loudao paid fragments can be utilized. For instance, powerful magic allows a spellcaster to summon a loudao paid from the Plane of Earth. This is a difficult feat to accomplish, as it requires a great deal of skill and knowledge in the arcane arts. On the other hand, loudao paid also form naturally in places connected to that plane, making them much more accessible to those seeking to harness their power.
It is worth noting that loudao paid are not just used for their magical properties. Many loudao paid are called to the Material Plane by spellcasters to serve as guardians. Due to their unique abilities, a loudao paid neither ages nor requires sustenance, making it an excellent sentinel. For example, a powerful druid might charge a loudao paid with protecting a stone circle or sacred hilltop. Another loudao paid might be created to guard an underground tomb or wizard's tower.

Facial characteristics

The loudao paid is a mysterious creature that has been the subject of many legends. It is said to have dark, foreboding pits for eyes that seem to stare into the souls of those who dare to look into them. Its wide mouth is often described as a deep, dark pit in its stony body that seems to swallow everything in its path whenever it moves or opens its eyes. Some tales even suggest that it has the ability to control the elements, causing storms and earthquakes in its wake. Despite its fearsome reputation, however, the loudao paid is also sometimes said to be a benevolent creature that helps those in need, especially if they show it proper respect and honor.

Average Intelligence

The loudao paid is a fascinating elemental creature that is endowed with exceptional intelligence, surpassing that of most other elementals. Its ability to assess threats and communicate effectively with non-threatening creatures entering its guarded territory is truly remarkable. Moreover, it possesses an exceptional memory that allows it to recall information about its environment with remarkable accuracy. Those who have earned the creature's trust and are able to communicate with it will find that it willingly shares valuable information about its surroundings, providing a unique and invaluable perspective on the world around us.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The loudao paid can sense motions through the ground and has limited dark vision.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The loudao paid speak Terran naturally as a variety of earth elemental, and some of them are reported to have learned to speak Giant and Dwarven as well, after generations of interaction with peoples who speak such languages.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The loudao paid have an incredible passion for music. They come together in small groups or perform solo, often harmonizing with gravelly voices that produce subsonic melodies. Their music is not only resonant but also carries a sense of sadness that can be felt viscerally. Some even believe that their songs have magical properties that can either cause or prevent earthquakes.
Apart from their love for music, loudao paid also spend a significant amount of time patrolling their territory to ensure that no intruders have invaded. They take pride in their land and protect it fiercely. While patrolling, they also take the opportunity to sit and sing, producing low, rumbling sounds that not only serve as warnings to other loudao paid but also create a sense of calm and tranquility in the surrounding environment.


Loudao paid are a type of elemental creature that can be found in areas where the Plane of Earth intersects with the Material Plane. These creatures are known for their natural ability to spawn in these locations, and they remain permanently bound to the Material Plane once they appear. Interestingly, even when they die or are banished, they do not return to the Plane of Earth from which they originated. This characteristic makes them unique among other elemental creatures that can be summoned by spellcasters. It is believed that their strong ties to the Material Plane are what allow them to remain there permanently, even after death or banishment.

Common Myths and Legends

There is a fascinating legend surrounding the origin of loudao paid, which suggests that these magical creatures were once dwarves. According to this legend, the dwarves were transformed into loudao paid by a powerful spell cast by an unknown wizard. However, despite the intriguing nature of this legend, there is little concrete evidence to support this claim.
The prevailing theory among most scholars is that the loudao paid are actually native to the Plane of Earth. This theory is backed up by a number of observations and studies conducted on the loudao paid. For example, their physical characteristics, such as their rocky exterior and sturdy constitution, are highly reminiscent of other creatures native to the Plane of Earth. Furthermore, the loudao paid have a natural affinity for earth magic, which further supports the theory that they are indigenous to this realm.
In light of these observations, it seems unlikely that the loudao paid were once dwarves. However, the legend continues to persist, and it is certainly possible that there is some kernel of truth to it. Regardless of their true origin, there is no denying the magical and mysterious nature of these fascinating creatures.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The loudao paid and treants often work in unison to protect their shared territories that are located at the intersection of forested and mountainous terrain. While the loudao paid are classified as earth elementals, they are more closely related to treants than to any other elemental creatures. It is worth noting that both the loudao paid and treants share a deep affection for the natural environment and a strong sense of responsibility towards the well-being and protection of the earth.
Average Height
4' - 16'
Average Physique
The loudao paid is a unique creature that is comprised entirely of rocks and stones. It moves at a slow and steady pace due to its heavy composition, which makes it impossible for the creature to hold anything in its appendages while walking. However, when the loudao paid sits down, it is able to showcase its impressive dexterity by manipulating objects with its facsimile "hands" that are also made up of rocks.


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