
This stunning terrain is named after the local Yoyeyam language, where it translates roughly to "beyond open" in Common.


The great open savannah plain Malayzeku is a vast expanse of land that stretches between the northern and southern regions of Akath. The savannah plain is characterized by its flat and expansive landscape, with grasses and shrubs dotting the terrain.

Fauna & Flora

The savannah plain is not only home to gazelles, zebras, and elephants, but also to a variety of other fascinating species. The grasses and shrubs that cover the vast expanse of land provide food and shelter to a range of herbivores, such as giraffes, antelopes, and buffalos. These herbivores, in turn, attract predators such as lions, cheetahs, and hyenas, which prowl the grasslands in search of their next meal. The savannah is also home to a variety of birds, from the predatory eagles and hawks to the ground-dwelling ostriches and guinea fowl. The flora of the savannah is also unique, with tall grasses and acacia trees dotting the landscape. The acacia trees provide a source of food for giraffes and elephants, while also serving as a home for birds and insects. Overall, the savannah plain of Malayzeku is a fascinating and diverse ecosystem that supports a range of flora and fauna, including predators.


Populations of gnolls have made their living travelling an exploiting the savannah and making incursions into the lands north and south of it when food gets scarce or a powerful gnoll leader seeks conquest.


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