
Referred to as lyinlypa (/lyinˈlypa/) in the original Aquan, which translates to "water-spirit" in Common.

Marid are fascinating water spirits capable of manipulating water in almost any way they desire. They can take on the appearance of large aquatic humanoids or fish-like creatures and speak with voices as soft as the sea breeze or as sonorous as the waves breaking against a rocky cliff. When they take flight, their lower bodies transform into columns of foamy water.
Their control over water is impressive, and they can create water or shape clouds of fog and mist from the vapor in the air. They can walk on water and breathe naturally beneath its surface. They can even transform themselves into mist or use water as a weapon to bludgeon their foes.


Culture and cultural heritage

The marid are a fascinating species of water spirits that possess an insatiable thirst for treasures from all over the multiverse. As we speak, they are collecting lost relics from the sea floor, shipwrecks from bygone eras, and flotsam from countless shores. These rare and exotic items flow effortlessly to the floating palaces of the marid, where they are carefully cataloged and stored for future use. Indeed, if you ever find yourself in need of something that seems impossible to find, try asking a marid. With their vast knowledge and expertise, they are sure to be capable of delivering what you seek.

Shared customary codes and values

Marid embody the lively and vibrant seas, possessing an aura of larger-than-life spirits of water. They excel in storytelling, often emphasizing the prowess of marid in general and the speaker in particular, and are known to be fanciful genies who lie often and creatively. While their deception isn't always malicious, they enjoy embellishing their tales to suit their fancy. Marid consider it a crime for a lesser being to interrupt one of their stories, and any offense to a marid is sure to invoke its wrath.

Common Dress code

Marid are a fascinating sight to behold, as they adorn themselves in finely-stitched vests and colorful pantaloons that match the vibrant emerald and sapphire waters of their home plane. They take great pride in their appearance and fashion sense, always striving to showcase their unique style and individuality. Whether they take on the form of large aquatic humanoids or fish-like creatures, they flaunt their fashion with confidence and grace, commanding the respect and admiration of all who lay eyes upon them.

Art & Architecture

Marid can be found at the point where the Elemental Plane of Water merges with other planes, but they are rare on the Material Plane. These fascinating water spirits inhabit mighty and majestic coral fortresses situated in the depths of the Elemental Plane of Water. Their citadels float in the water and are filled with opulent, air-filled chambers where servants and guests reside. Marid don't expect much from their servants, but they desire them for the prestige.

Common Myths and Legends

The marid have repurposed the legendary City of Ys, which was once swallowed by the sea, into a magnificent floating city with walls of emerald glass. They actively use this city as a hub for their society, where they hold grand ceremonies and important meetings. The marid have transformed the city's ruins into a stunning underwater garden, filled with vibrant coral and sea creatures of all kinds. They have also constructed magnificent buildings that are as awe-inspiring as they are functional, using their mastery over water to create stunning architectural feats that defy the imagination. With their incredible control over water and their boundless creativity and imagination, the marid have truly created a masterpiece that stands as a testament to their power and ingenuity.
Encompassed species


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