Mission of Magic

Tenets of Faith

Worshipers of Taeora have a deep reverence for the Spider of Mysteries, seeking guidance and blessings in matters of the arcane and their magical endeavors. By honoring and venerating this enigmatic deity, they not only gain favor but also gain profound insights into the intricate workings of magic. Many bards, druids, sorcerers, and even some wizards devote themselves to the teachings and principles of Taeora, driven by the desire to unlock the full potential of their magical abilities.

The faithful followers of Taeora play a crucial role in preserving the ancient art of magic and ensuring its continued growth in the world. They understand the importance of safeguarding magical lore, especially in times when magical institutions within societies may crumble. By doing so, they ensure that the knowledge and understanding of magic will flourish in the future, even when faced with adversity.

Not only do they preserve magical knowledge, but the followers of Taeora also actively seek out individuals who possess talent or potential in magic. They keep a vigilant watch on those who show promise in becoming skilled practitioners, fostering their growth and guiding them along their magical journey.

Furthermore, the clerics of Taeora are encouraged to explore new realms of magic and experiment with the boundaries of their understanding. They are granted the freedom to create new spells and magic items, constantly pushing the boundaries of magical knowledge and innovation.

However, it is important to note that the faithful of Taeora do not assume responsibility for helping individuals afflicted by failed spellcasting. They believe that the consequences of failure in handling magic are a necessary price to pay. However, when innocent bystanders are affected by such failures, the followers of Taeora readily offer their assistance and support.

An important aspect of Taeora's worship is the profound influence of the intricate network of ley lines, which serve as the primary source of all magic in the world. These ley lines intersect at sites that are specifically dedicated to Taeora, creating powerful confluences that greatly enhance the potency and versatility of the spells cast by her faithful. This amplification of magical energy results in spells that are even more formidable and impactful.


Centers of worship dedicated to Taeora can vary significantly in terms of their size and architectural styles. Some may be as humble as natural caves or secluded grottoes, while others can be as majestic as grand temples. Regardless of their physical appearance, these centers serve as focal points for Taeora's followers to gather and commune with their goddess.

The followers of Taeora, who are primarily devoted to their magical pursuits, tend to lead lives of solitude, even when residing in settled communities. They dedicate their time and efforts to deepening their understanding of magic through extensive research and experimentation. Additionally, they possess exceptional skills in creating powerful magic items that are sought after by many. Furthermore, they embark on daring quests in search of legendary treasures, driven by their insatiable curiosity and desire to uncover mystical artifacts and ancient knowledge.

Simple rituals to honor or appease Taeora often take the form of a whispered prayer of thanks after casting a spell or sacrificing enchanted items. In addition to these practices, the faithful also engage in magic shows, where the priests not only point out and revere the ley lines, but also showcase various enchantments and demonstrate the power of Taeora's blessings. These magic shows serve as a way for the followers to deepen their connection with Taeora and appreciate the intricate workings of magic within their lives. By witnessing the awe-inspiring displays of magical prowess, the believers are reminded of the divine presence of Taeora and are filled with a sense of wonder and gratitude.


The organization of the church is known for its loose and decentralized structure, allowing for flexibility and adaptability. This structure enables itinerant clerics to maintain close connections with settled clergy who are considered to be in good standing with Taeora. It is worth noting that the faithful of Taeora do not shun individuals who practice dark magic and seek personal gain and power. While these individuals may be relentless in their pursuits, the clergy of Taeora do not consider their actions contrary to the teachings of Taeora, unless their experiments involve attempts to control the powerful ley lines.

In terms of attire, the clergy of Taeora display their devotion by wearing their holy symbols on a ring or necklace, symbolizing their unwavering faith. When venturing into different cultures, the clergy adapt their dress according to local customs, recognizing the importance of respecting and embracing diversity. In situations where protection is needed, they are not hesitant to don armor, ensuring their safety while fulfilling their sacred duties. It is noteworthy that the clergy of Taeora have a preference for clothing made from luxurious silk fabric. Moreover, they often incorporate intricate spider motifs into their vestments and clothing.

Religious, Temple


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