Moonlit King

Personality Characteristics


The Moonlit King, despite his fall from grace, is driven by a deep desire to regain his lost status and power. This yearning for his former glory is a constant reminder of his past, pushing him to seek redemption and restoration. He is also heavily driven by his need to find solace from the tormenting illusions that haunt his existence. His primary priority is to find a way to reconcile with his past actions, hoping to absolve himself of his guilt and regret. Furthermore, he seeks to maintain the remnants of his dignity, striving to uphold the royal etiquette and mannerisms that were once second nature to him. Despite his current situation, he longs for the warmth and companionship he once enjoyed, adding another layer of complexity to his desires. His interactions with others are often tinged with this underlying longing.



Titular King of The Court of Winter, consort to the Snow Queen.

Social Aptitude

Despite his tragic fall, the Moonlit King carries himself with an air of charisma and confidence that goes unmatched, a vestige of his past glory. His ego, although bruised, remains intact, allowing him to portray a semblance of his once formidable self. His extroverted nature, although subdued due to his circumstances, still shines through in his interaction with others, albeit in a more restrained manner. He carries himself with an impeccable sense of etiquette and a unique set of mannerisms that sets him apart, a testament to his royal background.


Despite his current situation, the Moonlit King still retains some of his regal habits. His speech is eloquent and filled with a poetic flair that is reminiscent of his royal lineage. His voice is melodious, yet it carries an undertone of melancholy. His gestures, though less grand than before, are still filled with an air of grace and sophistication. He often raises his hand to his heart when expressing sincere sentiments, a gesture that has become his trademark. His laughter, though rare, is soft and carries a haunting echo. Despite the madness that has consumed him, he still maintains a level of decorum and etiquette that speaks volumes about his past as a respected king.


The Moonlit King's voice carries an ethereal quality, echoing the depth of the night sky. His pitch is deep, resonating with a powerful timbre that commands attention. His accent is a unique blend of archaic and regal, betraying his noble lineage and his time spent in different realms. He speaks the dialect of the ancient fey, filled with complex metaphors and poetic language. His speech is not without its quirks. Occasionally, he stutters when he's agitated, a telltale sign of his deteriorating mental state. The Moonlit King is not one to openly compliment, but when he does, it's often shrouded in metaphor.

Dark blue
Blue, untamed
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale blue, glowing


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