
Divine Domains

Narnisu is the divine being of the moon and the night. Many people credit Narnisu for the different phases of the moon and the mesmerizing beauty of the night sky. It is believed that during the new moon phase, Narnisu spends time in the company of Gyian, the deity associated with shadows and illusions. Furthermore, Narnisu is closely linked to the stimulation of dreams and the enhancement of imagination. According to legend, Narnisu has the ability to guide individuals through their dreams, providing them with valuable insights and guidance. Narnisu is also connected to the concepts of revelation and memory, assisting in the revelation of hidden truths concealed within shadows and darkness. Additionally, Narnisu is considered a protective deity, diligently watching over individuals during their nocturnal journeys. And finally, Narnisu shares a unique and profound bond with creatures that thrive in the natural world during the nighttime hours.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Half-Moon: The half-moon is a prominent symbol associated with Narnisu. It is usually a disk with two halves, one of silver and the other of onyx or opal, and It represents the different phases of the moon and the cycles of life and renewal.

Owls: Owls are considered sacred to Narnisu, symbolizing wisdom, intuition, and the ability to see through the darkness. They are often seen as messengers of Narnisu's wisdom and guidance. Giant owls are considered especially sacred to those who consider Narnisu their patron god.

Night Sky: The night sky itself is a powerful symbol associated with Narnisu. It represents the vastness of the universe, the mysteries of the cosmos, and the beauty that can be found in the night.

Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles

Narnisu is revered by many and known by various titles and names. Among these are "Our Silver Light," symbolizing the radiant brilliance that Narnisu brings to the world, "the Light of Night," representing the guiding illumination that Narnisu offers during the darkest times, and "the Revealer," signifying Narnisu's ability to unveil hidden truths and mysteries. These titles and names not only highlight the awe-inspiring nature of Narnisu but also emphasize the multifaceted aspects of the moon god.



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