
Divine Domains

Netyx's influence permeates every corner of existence, weaving an intricate and expansive network of lies and deception. They are the mastermind behind a labyrinthine web of deceit, manipulating and distorting the truth with unparalleled skill. Like a puppeteer, Netyx pulls the strings of individuals and events, exerting control and shaping outcomes according to their will. Nothing is as it seems, and the truth is a malleable concept, subject to their whims and machinations.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Netyx’s holy symbol is often represented by a smile hidden behind a set of four fingers. In many places dedicated to Netyx, the symbolization of Netyx's complex and confusing manipulation tactics is depicted through a labyrinthine design, symbolizing the intricate nature of their actions. Additionally, distorted mirrors are strategically placed to reflect Netyx's penchant for mirroring and distorting the truth, thereby emphasizing their deceptive and manipulative nature. The iconography associated with Netyx commonly portrays them as the puppeteer, pulling the strings on puppets and marionettes, which serves as a powerful symbol of their control over others and their ability to manipulate events according to their will.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The lies that Netyx spreads not only affect others but also infiltrate their own perception, leading to a great tragedy. It is unfortunate that Netyx deceives themselves with the delusion of creating a paradise similar to the heavenly realms found in the Sphere of Light. In their pursuit of this unrealistic goal, they inadvertently turn their divine realm Aabsabaau into a barren wasteland through the untiring exploitation of both labor and resources, leaving it devoid of its former glory and beauty.

Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles

Netyx is also known as Duplicitous One, the Kābeem, and Hierophant of Lies.



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