

Nomimimakim is an expansive divine realm dedicated to Fyrkinna, the god of strategy and victory. It is protected by the majestic river Kimopi, which acts as a formidable moat, preventing easy access to the realm. Inside the towering walls and fortified towers, there are numerous arenas, drilling grounds, tournament venues, sports fields, and training facilities. These spaces cater to a wide range of activities, including martial arts competitions held in specially designed pits made from different materials.

Connecting these areas are magnificent colonnades adorned with board games and maps, specifically designed to test tactical prowess and enhance decision-making abilities.

At the heart of Nomimimakim lies the keep, which houses opulent feast halls and grand assembly halls. It is within these sacred spaces that champions are honored, awards are bestowed, and participants are celebrated for their exceptional achievements.


Nomimimakim experiences a primarily temperate climate, controlled by Fyrkinna, who generally creates an ideal environment for outdoor activities and sports competitions. This allows the petitioners of Nomimimakim to fully immerse themselves in their pursuits while enjoying pleasant weather. The climate is often characterized by clear and blue skies, providing a beautiful backdrop for various activities. However, there are also times when Fyrkinna may introduce changes in weather, such as torrential rain or other conditions, especially in certain arenas or fields. Despite these occasional variations, the overall climate of Nomimimakim remains favorable for outdoor endeavors.

Fauna & Flora

Nomimimakim represents the epitome of excellence, attracting champions, generals, captains, and commanders who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of victory. Whether through mastering tactics and strategies or embodying sportsmanship and unwavering dedication, this divine realm is the heaven for those who aspire to greatness in their chosen path. Fyrkinna’s automata serve as referees, proctors, and trainers for the deities petitioners.

Alternative Name(s)
Citadel of Victory
Dimensional plane


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