

The city of Nythensera covers an area of approximately 1497 acres, with a total population of 90 thousand people. The population is mostly elf (79%), with smaller numbers of humans (9%), halflings (5%), dwarves (3%), gnomes (2%), half-elves (1%) and half-orcs (1%).   Foodstuffs: Bakers 70  Butchers 32 Beer-sellers 74  Chicken Butchers 100 Wine-sellers 137 Pastrycooks 254 Fishmongers 91   Construction: Roofers 44 Carpenters 225 Masons 201 Plasterers 43   Craftsmanship: Furriers 417 Tanners 20 Glovemakers 39 Ropemakers 34 Chandlers 60 Harness-makers 52 Rugmakers 53 Hatmakers 109 Saddlers 140 Weavers 214 Blacksmiths 49 Scabbardmakers 112 Cutlers 29 Shoemakers 330 Buckle Makers 38 Pursemakers 96   Specialty: Magic Shops 28 Barbers 205 Taverns 165 Watercarriers 134 Bleachers 23  Copyists 60 Bookbinders 27 Doctors 47 Locksmiths 22   Merchants: Mercers 174 Coopers 128  Hay Merchants 27  Old Clothes 190 Woodsellers 28 Booksellers 5 Spice Merchants 28 Tailors 399   Hospitality: Bathers 29 Inns 29   Artisans: Illuminators 15  Painters 67  Sculptors 30  Woodcarvers 55     Jewelers 106       The city has 540 noble houses kept by 170 maidservants.  The peace is kept by 271 guardsmen, and there are 159 advocates to assist with legal matters.  For those more concerned about their soul, there are 2655 clergymen and 46 priests.


Mills, granaries, and large amounts of pens for livestock make up a large part of the infrastructure of this city.


The city's gold piece limit is 100,000 gp. Anything, whether it be mundane or magical, having a price under that limit is most likely available for purchase. The total amount of available coinage, or the total value of any given item of equipment for sale at any given time, is 454,475,000 gp.
Alternative Name(s)
"The Golden City"


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