Nzumekem (/nzumɛkɛm/)


Within Nzumekem, there are scattered stoas filled with an extensive collection of tomes and scrolls. These house the accumulated wisdom and knowledge of countless beings who consider this place heaven. These tomes and scrolls are more than just storage facilities for intellectual information; they serve as vessels for profound insights and philosophies.

The picturesque landscape of Nzumekem perfectly embodies the essence of Pharaldin, exuding tranquility and serenity. It features lush gardens adorned with vibrant flora and fauna, as well as crystal-clear lakes that reflect the surrounding beauty. Meandering through the plane, the river Oceanus flows gracefully, tracing a gentle and sinuous path around the steep hills and majestic mountains that hide the stoas, lakes, and gardens of Nzumekem. Eventually, it finds its way through the Sphere of Light.

Legend has it that Pharaldin watches over Nzumekem and those who enter it from the Pool of Discerning Light. This shallow pool is said to be located within a cave in one of the many mountains of Nzumekem, accessible only to those who prove themselves to Pharaldin.

Localized Phenomena

Nzumekem is not limited by time or space. It is a realm where past, present, and future merge into one. Those who access Nzumekem are filled with a sense of a deep connection to the universe and all its mysteries. However, access to the divine realm of Pharaldin is not easily granted. It requires a sincere desire for truth, a willingness to let go of preconceived notions, and a commitment to the pursuit of wisdom.


The serene atmosphere envelops the surroundings, instilling a profound sense of calm and a heightened state of mental clarity, creating an inviting environment for deep reflection and self-examination. Although the sun is not perceivable, the sky emanates a soft glow of the early morning, casting a delicate illumination across the landscape. The temperature maintains a refreshingly cool ambiance, accompanied by a gentle and soothing breeze that gently caresses the skin.

Fauna & Flora

The angels and archons of this realm are devoted to the pursuit of truth and serve as guides and guardians within Nzumekem. They assist those who seek enlightenment, offering guidance and support on their journey of discovery. Celestial songbirds provide a background melody to the plane, accentuating its calm with pleasant music.

Alternative Name(s)
Land of Clarity, Heaven of Inner Light
Dimensional plane


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