

The river Oceanus is a fascinating and enigmatic waterway that intricately connects multiple Outer Planes, serving as a mystical bridge between the planes of the Light Sphere and the Chaos and Order Spheres. Just like the Styx, which binds the Dark Sphere to the Chaos and Order Spheres, the Oceanus weaves its way through these planes, appearing and disappearing at different locations in a mesmerizing manner. It is a never-ending journey with no discernible origin or endpoint, continuously meandering through the planes in an eternal and unceasing state of flow.

Localized Phenomena

Unlike the Styx, the effects of drinking, bathing, and swimming in the Oceanus not only cure afflictions of the mind but also rejuvenate the body. It is worth mentioning that, despite its healing properties, the Oceanus should still be approached with caution due to the typical hazards associated with navigating a large river. On the other hand, similar to the Styx, those who dare to swim across the vast expanse of the Oceanus may find themselves transported to a different plane of existence at any point along the course of the river.

Fauna & Flora

Compared to the Styx, the Oceanus does not have enigmatic boatmen formed and created to ferry passengers. Instead, travelers along the Oceanus must rely on services offered by natives of the plane they are travelling in, or their own wits, to move from plane to plane and place to place along the Oceanus.



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