
Basic Information


Ogres are fascinating creatures that share some similarities with large, barrel-chested humanoids. One striking feature is their wide, fanged jaws, which give them a fearsome appearance. Interestingly, unlike many other humanoids, ogres do not seem to be affected negatively by carrying a significant amount of body fat. In fact, it is not uncommon for ogres to weigh up to half of their total weight in body fat alone. This unique characteristic sets them apart from other creatures and has puzzled researchers for years. It goes beyond mere greed, although the correlation between size and power cannot be completely disregarded. This unexplained biological abnormality adds to the intrigue surrounding ogres and makes them even more intriguing to study

Genetics and Reproduction

Ogre females are known for their remarkable reproductive ability, giving birth to roughly eight offspring with each birth. What's truly fascinating is that these little ogres are born with the ability to walk and run shortly after their arrival into the world. However, their journey in this harsh environment is far from easy. The maternal instinct of ogres is short-lived, as the adult ogres see the young as potential rivals for food. This means that the young ogres have to quickly adapt and develop their survival skills to navigate the dangers of their surroundings. Therefore, it is not uncommon for these young ogres to face numerous challenges and tests at a very early stage of their lives. Very few survive to adulthood.
The offspring of an ogre and a human, a hobgoblin, a bugbear, or an orc is a half-ogre. This unique hybrid creature inherits traits from both its ogre and non-ogre parent, resulting in a fascinating combination of physical and mental attributes. When the non-ogre parent is an orc, the half-ogre is specifically referred to as an ogrillon. An adult half-ogre is an imposing figure, standing at an impressive height of 8 feet and weighing an average of 450 pounds. Its immense size and strength make it a formidable presence on the battlefield, capable of overpowering adversaries with ease. Additionally, the half-ogre possesses a blend of characteristics that showcase its mixed heritage, such as its distinct facial features and muscular physique. Despite its formidable appearance, the half-ogre also possesses a degree of intelligence inherited from its non-ogre parent, allowing it to navigate complex situations and make strategic decisions. Overall, the half-ogre is a fascinating creature that embodies the unique union between ogres and other humanoid races, creating a formidable and intriguing being in the realm.

Growth Rate & Stages

Adolescent ogres deviate significantly from the typical perception associated with the term 'ogre'. In contrast to the popular image, they are petite and lean, constantly driven by their insatiable hunger, and their challenging existence molds them into violent and untamed beings. During the initial stages of their lives, young ogres scavenge tirelessly for survival, residing on the fringes of the ogre community much like loyal dogs that trail behind an army, subsisting on whatever meager scraps they can find. Occasionally, audacious or nimble individuals may dare to venture into the midst of the main group to snatch a few morsels, but for the most part, they maintain their distance. They lead solitary lives, engaging in fierce competition with one another to grow and gain weight as rapidly as possible, until they reach a size substantial enough to endure the onslaught from older ogres (and even deliver some of their own). Within the ogre society, the size of an ogre's protruding belly serves as a symbol of worth, hence adolescent ogres who have yet to develop a respectable paunch find themselves situated at the lowest rungs of the social hierarchy. It is widely believed that ogres seldom surpass the age of fifty, although this assertion remains difficult to substantiate as they do not use any formal method of counting and continue to experience growth throughout their lifespans.

Ecology and Habitats

To describe ogres as nomadic would be an overstatement; ogres simply wander without purpose, leaving a path of destruction in their wake. They roam aimlessly, showing no regard for their surroundings, and their presence can be identified by the trail of devastation they leave behind. Wherever they choose to rest for the night quickly becomes decimated, created by their constant infighting and disregard for cleanliness. Ogres can also be found in caves, but they rarely venture too deep, as the deeper caves tend to be inhabited by even more dangerous creatures than they. However, there are occasions when ogres lose their way or follow food deeper underground, becoming trapped in the labyrinthine tunnels. When they establish their lairs, they seek out locations near the outskirts of settled lands, strategically positioning themselves to take advantage of poorly guarded livestock, unprotected food stores, and unsuspecting farmers. Ogres sleep in caves, animal dens, or under trees until they come across a cabin or isolated farmhouse, where they ruthlessly kill the inhabitants and make it their new lair. It is only once an ogre has exhausted the available food sources in an area that it reluctantly moves on, continuing its never-ending search for sustenance.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Whenever an ogre becomes bored or hungry, it leaves its lair and embarks on a relentless quest for sustenance. Each ogre aspires to reach unprecedented size and strength, relentlessly consuming everything in its path. As an ogre grows in magnitude, so does its expertise in acquiring, securing, and monopolizing food sources. Villages and hamlets are highly coveted by these voracious creatures, as they provide a bountiful and enduring supply of nourishment that can sustain them for weeks on end. Tales of captives being torn limb from limb, or witnessing their own body parts being fought over and devoured in front of their horrified eyes, serve as cautionary reminders of the brutal reality of ogre encounters. Ogres are insatiable creatures, constantly driven by their insatiable hunger and their unwavering commitment to violence as the means of obtaining sustenance. They strike without hesitation, rarely wasting time on inquiries or considerations, even if their intellectual faculties allow it. Ogres engage in combat solely to satisfy their own ravenous appetites, employing any tactics necessary to achieve their objective.


Ogres are notorious for their easily provoked anger, which can be triggered by even the slightest perceived offense. Insults and name-calling have the remarkable ability to instantaneously enrage an ogre, as do actions such as stealing from it, bumping into it, poking or prodding it, laughing at it, making faces, or simply giving it a disapproving look. When an ogre becomes angry, it unleashes its frustration through an intense tantrum, forcefully smashing objects or creatures until there is nothing left to destroy. Ogres typically lack the instinct to flee unless larger individuals do so or are killed. Furthermore, ogres derive immense satisfaction from the sight of gleaming gold and silver, often engaging in fierce battles amongst themselves over even the most minuscule amounts of coins. Clever individuals can gain an ogre's trust by offering it precious gold or a weapon specifically crafted to suit its size. Although non-magical manipulation may prove to be more effective, any agreements reached are likely to be swiftly forgotten, with the would-be manipulator being repeatedly struck with a blunt object.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Ogres, despite not having a strong sense of tribalism, sometimes form small, nomadic groups. These groups may encounter each other and engage in capturing members from the opposing group to bolster their numbers. However, ogre groups are also open to freely trading members, especially if the receiving group is abundant in food and weapons. Depending on the circumstances, some ogres may opt to remain with the group, while others continue their wandering. In the event of serious injuries sustained during their frequent fights, ogres tend to leave the group. It is worth noting that even a lone and wounded ogre possesses formidable capabilities to confront most threats, although they remain cautious of trolls, who possess comparable natural weapons, and bugbears, who excel at hunting large prey as a coordinated team. However, it is crucial for travelers not to automatically assume that a solitary ogre is always injured. Various circumstances can lead to an ogre being alone, such as being the strongest member of a mob and having eliminated its former companions. A lone ogre will almost always fight until the end. In the case of a successful mob, adult ogres are more likely to stick together, albeit with occasional disagreements, to enhance their chances of mating and finding sustenance. Should a mob encounter signs of civilization, extensive destruction is almost certain to follow.

Average Intelligence

Ogres are known for their incredible physical strength and often a notable lack of intelligence. Many ogres struggle to perform basic arithmetic, such as counting to ten, even with their fingers right in front of them. Much of ogre culture does not place value in education, seeing their size and strength as the only necessities in life. They have a tendency to destroy things they cannot understand, believing that they have the power to take whatever they need and have no reason to learn how to craft or count. It often results in what feels like limited social interactions. The existence of intelligent ogres is not to be disputed, and most scholars agree that such was a big part of ogre culture as a part of the great empires of the giants that vanished from the world long ago. The primary example of this are the ogre mages, whose tradition as wizard-assassins continues to this day.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Most individuals typically possess a rudimentary understanding of Giant and are acquainted with just a handful of Common words.

Common Dress Code

Ogres have developed a unique way of dressing themselves. Instead of relying on sophisticated craftsmanship, ogres utilize the resources available to them in their natural surroundings. They fashion garments from animal pelts, carefully selecting the best pieces to ensure both functionality and a touch of rugged style. Uprooted trees, stripped of their branches, are repurposed as tools and weapons, serving as a testament to the fact that they do not lack in ingenuity.
In their pursuit of sustenance, ogres employ javelins, honing their hunting skills with remarkable precision. Their tough, resilient skin acts as a natural form of armor, providing them with a certain level of protection in the harsh environments they inhabit. The simplicity of their attire is a reflection of their pragmatic mindset, with most ogres content with wearing nothing more than a basic, stained loincloth. In fact, the sight of an ogre adorning anything beyond this modest garment is considered a rarity and often draws attention.
Yet, there are those among the ogre community who possess a penchant for fashion and extravagance. These individuals, driven by a desire to stand out, adorn themselves with untreated pelts and bone trophies. Such accessories, reserved for the elite few, highlight their keen sense of style and their willingness to go beyond the norm. It is not uncommon for an ogre, having devoured its prey, to repurpose the remains into a decorative loincloth or a distinctive necklace. This macabre form of crafting represents the pinnacle of ogre culture, showcasing their resourcefulness and unique way of life.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

They survive by raiding, scavenging, and killing for sustenance and equipment. These activities are vital for their survival, providing them with the necessary resources to continue on. The ogres take immense pride in their skills and prowess in these areas, seeing themselves as formidable hunters and warriors.
In addition to their survival tactics, the ogre culture is characterized by a loosely organized state of anarchy and chaos. This lack of structure allows for individual freedom and independence, but also leads to unpredictability and disorder. The ogres thrive in this environment, finding excitement and fulfillment in the constant pursuit of their desires and ambitions.
During their raids, ogres carry crude sacks, eagerly filling them with what they consider to be "treasure" taken from their victims. These treasures can range from a collection of battered helmets and a moldy wheel of cheese to a patch of animal fur crudely fastened like a cloak or a squealing, mud-spattered pig. Each item holds value in the eyes of an ogre, representing their conquests and their dominance in battle.
In battles, ogres primarily rely on their sheer size and toughness, their immense strength allowing them to overpower their opponents. However, some ogres have the insight to armor themselves with scavenged items. They have realized that just like a man in armor is harder to kill, the same might apply to an ogre. By equipping themselves with these makeshift armors, they enhance their defensive capabilities and increase their chances of survival in combat.
When it comes to weapons, ogres have no limitations. They scavenge and wield anything that fits in their hand, utilizing their immense strength to wield even the most unconventional weapons. From makeshift clubs and jagged rocks to broken tree branches and discarded swords, the ogres make use of whatever they can find to inflict damage on their enemies. This versatility and resourcefulness make them formidable adversaries in battle.
Despite their lack of preference for lightly or heavily armored opponents, ogres are relentless in their attacks. They strike seemingly at random, driven by their primal instincts and the desire to dominate. As a result, battles against ogres tend to be prolonged and bloody, often resulting in significant losses even if the ogres are eventually defeated. The sheer ferocity and tenacity of the ogres make them a formidable and challenging force to contend with.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

A cave ogre is a fearsome and powerful ogre that has become stronger either by consuming a nutritious diet or by residing in a location infused with elemental energy. This enhanced strength allows them to establish dominance over their clan of ogres or other creatures. In the ancient times, the rulers of the giant empire heavily relied on a clandestine organization known as the secret police, which consisted of ogres and cloud giants. These highly skilled wizard-assassins were responsible for suppressing dissent and eliminating any obstacles that threatened the imperial power. The secrets of this organization have been passed down through generations among the ogre mages. However, with the disappearance of the old empires, the ogre mages are no longer bound to serve any throne. Some of them choose to utilize their formidable powers in the service of new empires, while others prefer to work as highly-paid assassins or mercenaries, driven solely by their personal gain. Each ogre mage has been trained in the ancient principles of the order of assassins, where life holds no value and the pursuit of power is deemed the only worthy objective. These teachings have withstood the test of time, while the order's other ideals, such as loyalty and stability, have gradually faded into obscurity. It is a rarity for ogre mages to acknowledge that their extensive magical knowledge and deceptive skills were once utilized as tools for court intrigue, or that their iron truncheons were once symbolic of imperial authority.

Common Myths and Legends

Travel accounts from various remote and difficult-to-verify regions, such as 'The Far North' or 'Across The Sea', provide fascinating tales of settlements and even empires inhabited by mysterious culture of ogres. These accounts describe the ogres as freely communicative and even willing to trade with other peoples. It is believed that the ogres constructed awe-inspiring stone temples dedicated to insatiable deities, showcasing incredible architectural skills. The existence of these ogres and their remarkable achievements has been connected to the numerous enigmatic ruins scattered across the land. These enduring legends serve as an attempt to unravel the mysteries behind these extraordinary ruins and the possible existence of an ancient ogre civilization.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Whenever it is feasible, ogres tend to join forces with other monsters in order to intimidate or prey upon creatures that are weaker than themselves. They willingly form alliances with goblinoids, orcs, and trolls, and they hold great admiration for giants. It is important to note that ogres are descendants of giants, and the memories of the giants' empire falling still remain vivid in the stories that ogres tell amongst themselves. Within the complex social hierarchy of the giants, known as the Ordning, ogres hold a lower status than even the lowest ranking giants. As a result, ogres are often inclined to fulfill the requests of giants, doing almost anything asked of them. However, it is worth mentioning that ogres can be enticed by offers of wealth and luxury, which may lead them to serve others. In exchange for a significant amount of gold, an ogre will willingly engage in combat and fight for a master who is considerably smaller or weaker in comparison. It is essential to recognize that ogres possess an insatiable hunger, and their constant and voracious appetite plays a central role in their interactions with other species. When tracing the paths taken by an ogre mob, one can easily identify their presence by the absence of any creatures larger than what can easily go unnoticed. Additionally, there may be a few bloodstains remaining from larger prey. The only exception to this pattern is the presence of remarkably large boars, known as scrofa, which trail behind the mob, feeding on the leftovers left by the ogres. These scrofa are cunning enough to evade the attention of the ogres most of the time, and they are robust enough to compete with young ogres for scraps and have a chance at escaping if an adult ogre takes notice. The presence of these scrofa, along with the lingering smell, is typically enough to warn experienced travelers to choose an alternative route.
~50 yrs.
Average Height
Average Weight
~1,000 lbs.


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